Post-Summer Session, Quad Day and Fall 2017 schedule

Summer Intersession Training Schedule 
Summer is winding down and school starts in two weeks. During the post-summer session, our schedule will remain the same as Summer II. Mondays/Wednesdays outside (weather permitting) at 6pm and Saturdays in the ARC Combat Room at 12pm.

Quad Day is Sunday, August 27th from 12pm-4pm and we need some volunteers!

  • 11:30am – 12:30pm (setup crew) at least 2 volunteers
  • 12:30pm – 1:45pm 2-4 volunteers
  • 1:30pm – 3:00pm 2-4 volunteers
  • 2:45pm – 4:00pm 2-4 volunteers

Overall, your duty as a volunteer is to pass out fliers, collect email addresses and answer basic questions about our TKD club. Please wear your uniform and or TKD t-shirt if you plan to volunteer. If interested in volunteering just comment on the facebook group or sign-up online.

Fall 2017 Class Schedule
Mondays 6:00-7:30pm, Wednesdays 6:00-7:00pm and Saturdays 12:00-2:00pm in ARC Combat Room. Our first class for new students will be Wednesday, September 6th at 6:00PM. RSVP on the public Facebook event

TKD Summer II Training Schedule

TKD Summer II Training Schedule

Summer II Session instruction starts Monday, June 12th. Our training location on Monday/Wednesday evenings will change starting next week to outside, grassy lawn outside of Law Building – corner of 4th & Peabody. The time will remain at 6PM. We will NOT train in formal uniforms for outdoor classes. Remember to bring water and sunscreen. In case of rain the weekday class will move to the ARC Combat Room.

As of now, Saturday classes will remain in the ARC Combat Room from 12pm-2pm unless a majority of class attendees are unable to access the ARC facility during Summer II. Either comment on the Facebook group or email me if you will be on campus during Summer II and will not have access to the ARC and or unable to pay for a summer campus rec membership/student service fee that also grants access.

Turkey Run State Park Trip – Saturday, July 8th


Finally, if you are interested in a summer TKD trip to Turkey Run State Park sign up on the Interest List. Turkey Run has plenty of recreation available such canoeing, kayaking, inner tubing, etc. and we could picnic afterward.

Summer I (15 May – 10 June) Schedule

Between 15 May – 10 June we will train in the ARC Combat Room during the following times:

Mondays: 600 – 730 PM

Wednesdays: 600 – 730 PM

Saturdays: 1200 – 200 PM

Please note that Sunday high-belt classes no longer take place during the summer.

If you were registered for classes in the Spring 2017 semester, you can still use your iCard to enter the ARC.