Outdoor Training 5/19 at 6pm

This is a brief reminder that the outdoor Taekwondo training date was moved to tonight 5/19 at 6 pm (grassy lawn outside of Law Building – corner of 4th & Peabody). 

Also, for summer training updates please check our social media or club website as there will not be frequent emails sent during the summer session.

Unsubscribe from TKD Listserv Instructions
For those recent graduates if you would like to unsubscribe from the TKD-UIUC-L listserv instructions are listed below:

From the address with which you subscribed to the list (netid@illinois.edu), send a message to lists@lists.illinois.edu. In the subject line of your email, type in: unsubscribe tkd-uiuc-l . Leave the message body blank.

You can also unsubscribe through the mailing list web interface:

  • Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
  • Go to the information page of the list you want to unsubscribe from.
  • In the left menu, click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link.
or by sending me a private email message. 
Thank you.

Congratulations Graduates & Summer I Training Schedule

Congratulations to our most recent graduates Rhea and Anne!
Make sure to check out Annie’s Send-Off 2021 Video

Feel free to share your congratulations and well wishes as well on their social media postings
Summer I Training (May 15 – June 13, 2021)
Our club trains throughout the entire year. See below for the training schedule for the first four weeks of the summer term. 

Note: For outdoor (outside) classes the full formal Taekwondo uniform is not required. Please make sure to bring water bottles and wear sunscreen as necessary. Also, if there is rain in the forecast on the date of an outdoor class a cancellation notice will be posted and an online class will be conducted.