September 2015 Announcements

[September 13, 2015]

Arriving Late to Class
This is just a reminder in case you arrive late to Tae Kwon Do class to perform the late warm-up sequence and then bow in and join the class. The late warm-up sequence is 50 jumping jacks, 50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups and 50 leg lifts. If it is significantly late (passed the super set) please do any additional stretching and then bow in and join the class.

Curtis Orchard Trip this Saturday
After Tae Kwon Do class this Saturday several of us will be heading to Curtis Orchard ~2:30pm to eat and be social. Aside from good food, apple cider and doughnuts there is a corn maze, apple picking, pumpkin patch and more. For more information about Curtis Orchard if you haven’t been visit their website:

Feel free to RSVP on the facebook event so that we can ensure we have enough vehicles.

TKD Fall 2015 Class Schedule Remains Unchanged
Classes are still Mondays 6-7:30pm, Wednesdays 5:30pm-7pm and Saturdays from 12pm-2pm. Also, there is an informal high-belt class for green belts and higher from 11am-12pm on Sundays. I encourage students to attend class at least twice a week to stay conditioned as well as progress with learning new techniques.


[September 2, 2015]

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
First I wanted to send a quick message thanking everyone that helped out recruiting new students at Quad Day and being present at our first class for new students. There was a nice amount of new students crammed into the combat room on Monday and it means a lot to have a good showing of regular students during this event.
Also, thank you for continuing to regularly grab a bite to eat after TKD class sessions and inviting the entire club to join if available.
Labor Day Weekend Class Schedule
Finally, during Labor Day weekend we will have class on Saturday, September 5th but will NOT have high-belt class on Sunday, September 6th. Also, there will be a regular class on Monday, September 7th at 6PM.
Upcoming TKD Social Event Interest  
Is anyone interesting in going to Curtis Orchard on Saturday, September 19th or Saturday, September 26th as a club. It would be a nice opportunity for get lost in a corn maze, pick pumpkins or enjoy an apple doughnut. I’ll put a poll on the facebook group and see which dates works for people.