Summer II TKD Schedule, Turkey Run Trip and No Class Sat. 6/2/18

Thank you, everyone, for spreading the word to friends it has been a nice summer of training so far with both new and returning students. Also, as mentioned in class we will train this evening (Memorial Day holiday) at the same time and location (ARC Combat Room at 6 PM).

No TKD Class Saturday, June 2nd
I will be traveling this upcoming weekend with family so TKD class on Saturday, June 2nd is cancelled. 

TKD Summer II Training Schedule
Summer II Session instruction starts Monday, June 11th. Our training location on Monday/Wednesday evenings will change during that time to outside (grassy lawn outside of Law Building – corner of 4th & Peabody). The time will remain at 6 PM. We will NOT train in formal uniforms for outdoor classes. Remember to bring water and sunscreen. In case of rain, the weekday class will move to the ARC Combat Room.

As of now, Saturday classes will remain in the ARC Combat Room from 12 pm – 2 pm unless a majority of class attendees are unable to access the ARC facility during Summer II. Either comment on the Facebook group or email me if you will be on campus during Summer II and will not have access to the ARC and or unable to pay for a summer campus rec membership/student service fee that also grants access.

Turkey Run State Park Trip – Saturday, July 7th
Finally, if you are interested in a summer TKD trip to Turkey Run State Park sign up on the Interest List. Turkey Run has plenty of recreation available such as hiking, canoeing, kayaking, inner tubing, etc. and we could picnic afterward.

May 2018 Announcements

Congratulations again to our graduating seniors and graduates students!

Unsubscribe from TKD Listserv
For those recent graduates if you would like to unsubscribe from the TKD-UIUC-L listserv instructions are listed below:

From the address with which you subscribed to the list (, send a message to In the subject line of your email, type in: unsubscribe tkd-uiuc-l . Leave the message body blank.

You can also unsubscribe through the mailing list web interface:

  • Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
  • Go to the information page of the list you want to unsubscribe from.
  • In the left menu, click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ lin.

Summer I TKD Training Schedule
Between May 14, 2018 – June 10, 2018, we will train in the ARC Combat Room during the following times:

  • Mondays: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
  • Wednesdays: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
  • Saturdays: 12:00 – 2:00 PM

Please note that while in the Combat Room we will train in formal uniform despite sharing the space with other clubs. Sunday high-belt classes are NOT scheduled during the summer.

Finally, if you were registered for classes in the Spring 2018 semester, you can still use your iCard to enter the ARC during the Summer I session.

High Altitude Trampoline Park Sunday, May 6th and TKD Training during Finals Week

Thank you again to all those that participated in the belt tests and potluck this past Sunday! Also, if you need a quick break from studying for Finals join us at the social event this Sunday!

Trampoline Park Social Event This Sunday
Please review Becky’s post regarding our upcoming social event on Sunday, May 6th to High Altitude Trampoline Park in Bloomington, IL. Those attending plan to meet up in the ARC parking lot around 10 AM. Pricing is as follows: 

$14.95 for 1 hour
$19.95 for 1.5 hours
$22.95 for 2 hours
$29.95 for 3 hours
Altitude Trampoline Socks (required): $2 per pair

You can fill out waivers ahead of time if you have not been here before:

Please bring a photo ID and see social media posting to arrange rides.

TKD Finals Week (5/4/18 – 5/11/18) and Summer Training

One of the perks of our Tae Kwon Do club is that we train year round. We will continue to have class during Finals week Sat 12 pm and M/W 6 – 7: 30 pm. 

Also, if you will be around the Champaign-Urbana area over the summer join us and invite your friends. During the summer session, we will train on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays in the ARC Combat Room as well as several classes outdoors around campus (during summer II session). An email with the official summer training schedule (starting times and locations) will be sent out towards the end of Finals week.