ANNOUNCEMENTS: University Librarian Note
Each year, the provost meets with each school or college in an annual budget meeting, and the University Library is included in that process. While the provost takes a more nuts-and-bolts approach in a separate review process with administrative units, as academic units we are asked to speak to strategic issues, both for our unit and for the university as a whole. Our annual meeting was held on March 13, and I’m pleased to say that it was a very positive one. Read more…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Faculty and Staff Fundraising Campaign
Scott Koeneman, Assistant Dean of Libraries for Advancement
Many of you have probably received the email campus recently sent out as part of a new faculty and staff fundraising campaign. Because of your role on campus and at the Library, you have a special insight into the work we do, the needs we have and the impact private support can have.
I, of course, encourage all of you to take this opportunity to think about doing something that can be meaningful to you. It might be your own unit, or it might not. It should be something you care about. That is what makes philanthropy work, whether it’s $25 or $25 million, find the thing that makes you feel good about giving.
While we hope you can find that at the Library, you have the whole campus to choose from. If you are having a hard time making a decision, feel free to come by and talk with us. There are exercises we can walk you through that help you identify your personal passions and how those might be applied to your philanthropy.
The easiest way to do this is through payroll deduction. You can find the form here: or you can give online here: If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Also, we still need your stories of impact. Find out how you can help here.
Thank you all for everything you do and thank you for your consideration of support.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Templates for Library Staff Use
Heather Murphy, Chief Communications Officer
I’ve rolled out some templates for Library staff use through Box. These include PowerPoint presentations, posters, and digital signs. All utilize an Open Sans typeface (a free Google Font which is included in each Box folder below).
PPT Presentations:
Digital Signs:
Please let me know if you run into problems using these templates or have any questions.
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The following individuals have been awarded research grants from the Research and Publication Committee thus far this spring semester:
- Jim Hahn – $4,978 – Advancing Serendipity within Online Browsing: Integration of Account-Based Recommendations into VuFind 4
- Susanne Belovari – $2,750 – Expedited Digital Appraisal for Regular Archivists: an MPLP-type Approach
- Ali Krogman and Christie Wiley – $1,650 – ITHAKA S+R – Research Support Services for the Field of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Caroline Szylowicz – $1,825 – Archival Research Toward the Digital Edition of Marcel Proust’s Correspondence – Albert Flament Archives
- Jennifer Teper and Miriam Centeno – $4,704 – Counting Diversity in Preservation
- Beth Sheehan – $1377.35 – The Influence of Journal Publishers on Archaeology Data Sharing
Congratulations everyone!
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: FY19 Budget Preparation/EBSCO Cancellation Project
Tom Teper, Associate Dean for Collections and Technical Services
As you should be aware, the Office of Collections and Technical Services has engaged in a significant review of journal titles included in our upcoming summertime renewal with EBSCO. The intent of this review was to identify titles that had a high cost/use ratio and to determine if there were resources being spent on these that could be redirected elsewhere in light of our fiscal challenges over the last several years. In addition, we were able to determine if there was overlap for some of these titles via other platforms.
The individual titles that were identified as cancellation candidates spanned forty-eight different subjects and were each identified as costing the University Library between $100 and $1,170/use. In the case of packages, those identified for cancellation exceeded $50/use.
As has been discussed in an earlier faculty meeting and at multiple CDC meetings (in which this approach was endorsed), the Library plans on canceling these titles during next July’s EBSCO renewal and centralizing the resources to cover price increases and/or strategic needs in the coming years.
In order to make this transition, the Office of Collections and Technical Services will consider these items as cancellations for our FY19 budget planning process. Consequently, the resources allocated out to individual subject funds will be reduced accordingly.
By moving ahead on these cancellations, the University Library can realize a further $163,508 toward the $250,000 gap that remains in meeting our price increase goal for FY19. If any fund manager chooses to retain a title, they will need to resubscribe at the point that the July renewals are completed. The resources to cover that re-subscription will need to come from funds identified by the fund manager when that order is placed.
If you would like to sit down to discuss the data that supports this work, I suggest that Wendy Wolter can schedule a time for you to meet with Esra Coskun and myself. Alternatively, we will be happy to come to division meetings assuming that our schedules can align.
A final list of the titles is available at:
G:\Collections Info\EBSCO\EBSCO Cancellations 2018 COST per USE ReadOnly
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Tip of the Month
The Library sends a monthly email to new faculty at Illinois during the fall and spring semesters. These emails introduce many of our services and resources to this important audience.
You can view the March LTOTM email at:
If you have ideas for future emails, please feel free to share them with Heather Murphy.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Collection Development Committee Notes
The most recent meetings minutes of the CDC are posted at
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Content Access Policy & Technology Meeting Minutes
The meetings minutes of CAPT (including work group reports) are posted at:
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Recognizing Excellence
Please forward journal editorships or editorial board membership, elected and invited external service appointments, honors, and awards information to Heather Murphy.
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HR NEWS: Faculty and AP Searches
Below is a summary of current academic searches as of March 29, 2018 (click on the graphic below to enlarge). A more comprehensive listing is sent via LibNews each month.

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HR NEWS: Vacancies
- Library Specialist: Central Access Services (CAS)
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HR NEWS: In Memoriam
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FACILITIES: Facility Project Updates
For a complete list of projects in planning and construction, please see:
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Staff Events Calendar
To see the most up-to-date staff events calendar, please visit
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: 2018 Library Pedometer Reel Libraries Challenge
Do you need an excuse to get moving after a long winter? Are you eager for a little friendly competition?
Starting Monday, April 2nd through Sunday, April 29th you have the opportunity to get involved in the Annual Library Pedometer Challenge! This year we are walking to famous movie libraries.
The Library (courtesy of John Wilkin) will be providing Pedometer Challenge participants with a limited amount of pedometers. If you have a tracking device such as a Fitbit, Apple watch or an app on your phone please use that to track your steps instead of getting a pedometer.
Participants may request a pedometer from Norris Purdy in Shipping and Receiving (Room 22 Main Library) beginning, Wednesday, March 28. If you received a pedometer last year we are asking you to use it again this year.
The Library will once again be working together to walk to different places. This year we are walking to famous movie libraries. If we meet our final goal of walking to all four movie libraries, all participants, who have turned in their weekly steps on time for all four weeks, will receive a prize.
Rules and Procedures:
1. Register as an individual or select a team of at least 2 members from the Library. Students that work in your unit are welcome to join. Think of a team name. One person from the team or the individual will E-mail the team name and the names of all team members or individual by 5pm on April 2nd. If you would like to be assigned a team please note that on your registration.
2. Wear a tracking device every day from April 2nd to April 29th, and record your steps on your calendar, through online tools or calculate your steps using an app for your phone. Here are some walking route planner and app examples.
3. On Monday morning each week, enter your steps in the online form that will be emailed to you. Please try to stay with these deadlines so that we can send out results in a timely manner.
4. Once we receive all of the numbers for the week, we will send out a list of all of the individual and team averages and total steps. Try to increase your average each week!
All this information plus other resources will be found on an upcoming Library Pedometer Libguide.
For Teams and Individual:
At the end of the four weeks, we’ll calculate the total average steps of each team over the course of the 4 weeks. Certificates will be awarded to the top team. Top individual not on a winning team will also receive a certificate.
Teams and individuals who did not place in the top will be reviewed for the highest change in steps over the 4 weeks. The team and individual that improve the most will also receive certificates. The team and the individual with the highest average, of course, will have bragging rights for the next year!
Everyone who turns in their steps on time for all four weeks will be eligible for a prize (courtesy of Dean Wilkin) if we meet our Library goal of walking to all four libraries. We will have a time set aside in May to hand out our prize. If we all start walking we can meet our challenge!
REMEMBER…Do This for You!
Do this to feel good and to be a better and healthier parent, spouse, friend, and co-worker…they all need you around and at your best. This Challenge is about encouragement and wellness!
If you have any questions or concerns, please E-MAIL
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: “Solving the World’s Challenges: Climate Change” Panel Discussion
April 3, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Funk ACES Library, 2nd Floor

Three experts from across campus (from the School of Integrative Biology, the Prairie Research Institute, and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning) will each discuss their research related to climate change – encompassing agricultural and urban ecosystems, flooding, drought, carbon dioxide levels, and heat – and respond to questions from attendees. This panel presentation will be an opportunity for people to come together in the library to learn about and discuss research related to one of the world’s major challenges – climate change.
Visit for more information.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Webinar Series – ArtFrame: Extending Library Ontologies for Works of Art
Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
428 Library
ArtFrame, led by Columbia University Libraries, is a domain-specific sub-project of Linked Data for Production (LD4P), a Mellon-funded, cross-institutional effort aimed at piloting the production of linked data in libraries. The ArtFrame vocabulary is an extension of BIBFRAME and LD4P/LD4L-Lab’s bibliotek-o ontologies to describe works of art (both two-dimensional and three-dimensional) natively as linked data. This Webinar will discuss the work completed by Columbia staff and the ArtFrame Extension Group, including use cases, modeling areas, tools, outcomes, and lessons learned.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Graduate Image of Research Awards and Reception
Please join the Scholarly Commons and the Graduate College to celebrate graduate student research at the Image of Research awards and reception. This year the reception will be in Main Library 220, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4. The awards ceremony will be at 4:30 p.m.
Questions? Email Karen Hogenboom ( or Emilie Staubs (
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Creative Connections
Wednesday, April 5
Thursday, April 19
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
106 Library
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Assessing Librarians’ Confidence and Comprehension in Explaining Fair Use Following an Expert Workshop
Thursday, April 5 at 2 p.m. Eastern / 11 a.m. Pacific for our hour-long free webinar
Presented by Sara Benson, Copyright Librarian at the University of Illinois. Sara will discuss her study to measure both academic librarian confidence and comprehension of fair use.
Go to and sign in as a guest.
For more information:
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Music and Performing Arts Library CD Sale
April 6, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
April 7, 10:00 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Music and Performing Arts Library

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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Edible Book Festival
April 7, 2018
Drop off entries: 9 – 11 a.m.
Public Viewing: 11:30 a.m.
Awards Ceremony: 12:00 p.m.
Eating the entries!: 12:30 p.m.

The Edible Book Festival is all about making food with a literary flavor! Participants bake, cook or otherwise create dishes inspired by fiction or non-fiction literary works or characters. This friendly competition is open to anyone in the University & Champaign-Urbana communities, from professional pastry chefs to parents & kids who like to have fun in the kitchen. As always, public viewing is welcome!
This event is co-sponsored by Common Ground Food Co-op.
For more information, visit
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: 2018 Preservation Emporium
April 7, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (keynote at 2:00 p.m.)
Spurlock Museum, 600 S Gregory St, Urbana

Held every other year, this event gives visitors a chance to speak with members of the Preservation Working group and other campus preservation experts to discuss things they want to ensure survive for future generations, such as print and paper items, historical artifacts, analog and digital media, and more. Don’t miss this biennial opportunity to learn more about how to protect your favorite heirloom!
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Library Research Showcase

The University Library invites the campus community to the 5th Annual Library Research Showcase from 1-4 p.m. on April 10. The showcase will highlight recently completed and ongoing research within the Library, emphasizing its impact on the university, the professional disciplines of our many researchers, and beyond.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Library Blood Drive
Bloodmobile will be parked in the Undergraduate Library circle drive from 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., April 11. Sign up on the Staff Calendar.
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Wednesday, April 11, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
106 Library
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Webinar – ArtFrame: Improve Discoverability of Non-Roman Materials
Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m
428 Library
In this session, attendees will learn how to provide subject access to non-English materials in the language of the script and how to link the non-English term to external sources via linked data techniques. This will allow users to search the catalog by subject in their preferred language. The presentation will address the following questions: Can MARC21 records be utilized to display non-English subject terms in the integrated library system (ILS)? Can non-English terms be linked to FAST subject terms? Can users search the library catalog by subject terms in their preferred languages, e.g., Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, or French?
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Systematic Review Webinar Series
Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
106 Library
Staff Development and Training is pleased to offer three webinars on systematic reviews by Margaret Foster, AHIP, and Sarah Jewell, co-editors of Assembling the Pieces of a Systematic Review: A Guide for Librarians. Join us for the second webinar in the series, Selecting Systematic Review Software on a Shoestring.
Keeping current with systematic review software and identifying the best software for a client can be difficult. Learn the pluses and minuses of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR), Rayyan, and other free software for supporting systematic reviews, best practices for saving and sharing files, and how to address data and project management issues.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Tech Talks with Staff Development and Training
Wednesday, April 25, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
314 Library
Join George Gottschalk as he discusses best practices for maintaining policies and procedures in your units.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Copyright Coffee Breaks with Sara Benson
Thursday, April 26, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
428 Library
Sara Benson will be hosting a monthly lunch and learn in Room 428 at Noon, the last Thursday of the month. Please bring your lunch and come ready to learn about copyright issues.
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If you would like to submit content for the May issue of Library Office Notes, please submit it to Heather Murphy or Tom Teper by Friday, April 20, 2018.