Grainger Receives Large-Scale Visualization Sub-Award

The Grainger Engineering Library Information Center has received a sub-award via North Carolina State University’s (NCSU) Immersive Scholar program to develop a suite of software modules which will support high-definition library visualization environments.

Illinois was one of five cohort institutions selected by NCSU Libraries as part of a “Visualizing Digital Scholarship in Libraries and Learning Spaces” grant. The large-scale visualization grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundations, awarded to NCSU in May, supports “the advancement of tools and techniques for developing and sharing large-scale visual content for research.” The cohort institutions will meet in December and pursue their own projects over the next three years. All of the grant projects are related to the challenges in creating, disseminating, validating, and preserving digital scholarship for large-scale visual environments.

Grainger Engineering Library’s portable and extensible software modules will be developed with campus user groups and digital scholarship centers, with the final suite of applications supporting digital scholarship applications, design learning projects, and data analysis applications.

For more information, find the full news release at

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