November Library Office Notes






ANNOUNCEMENTS: University Librarian Note
The Library and the iSchool have had a number of conversations in the last several months about strengthening research relationships between the two organizations. In particular, it would be advantageous to more closely involve the iSchool Information Management (IM) students—who are not eligible for GA positions—in the research activities going on in the Library. We are proposing that the Library generate a list of practicum or independent study opportunities centered on a project and supervised by a Library faculty member, for which IM or LIS students can apply. Read more…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Campaign Goals
Scott Koeneman, Assistant Dean of Libraries for Advancement

On Oct. 13 the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign launched a new $2.25 billion fundraising campaign, “With Illinois.” While the launch began the public phase of the campaign, advancement staff across campus and here in the Library have been preparing for this campaign for the past several years.

The Library’s goal for the campaign is $35 million, though we hope to exceed that number by a significant margin. We will need YOUR help to take our story to donors, but more on that later.

In our preparation, Advancement, working with the dean and cabinet, has worked to identify Library funding priorities and to align those with the Library’s strategic framework. We identified five priorities:

  • Facilities and technology: To support the renovation and creation of spaces to meet the 21st-century needs of our students and faculty scholars.
  • Collections: To support the acquisition, preservation, and access of library materials in all formats and continue our preeminence as the nation’s largest public university library.
  • Student support: To support undergraduate and graduate hourly workers who allow us to provide greater service, in more places for longer hours.
  • University Archives/Faculty papers: To support collection, processing, preservation and access in all archives.
  • Innovation, Research and Professional Development: To support the expansion of research services, interdisciplinary projects and new publishing initiatives as well as professional development for Library staff and the research of Library faculty. (Chairs, Professorships and Library Scholars will continue to be sought but handled separately.)

Each of these priorities will have a multi-donor fund connected to it. The fund will be able to take everything from small annual gifts to the earnings of donor-funded endowments and can be used to support needs in each area.

We have divided these priorities into three themes to help us show the potential impact of support to prospective donors. Those themes relate directly to the strategic framework:

  • Build Student Success:
    – Create collaboration spaces and incubator environments to foster research and learning, through renovation of library facilities and investment in technology for improved discovery and access. (Library Strategic Framework Parameter 3B) (Facilities & Technology Multi-donor fund)
    – Help library experts respond to user requests for assistance and instructional support, and spread awareness of programs and services by improving library-wide outreach, engagement, and marketing. (Library Strategic Framework Parameter 2B, C) (Innovation, Research and Professional Development Multi-donor fund)
    – Enhance the Library’s ability to hire and train undergraduate and graduate hourly student employees. (Student Support Multi-donor fund)
  • Fuel Faculty Research:
    – Expand research data services, interdisciplinary research support, and scholarly publishing initiatives for new and seasoned researchers. (Library Strategic Framework Parameters 1A,1C) (Innovation, Research and Professional Development Multi-donor fund)
    – Augment the ability of the University Archives to process and curate faculty and alumni papers and share them via digitization, exhibits and seminars. (Archives/Faculty Papers Multi-donor fund)
  • Expand the Library’s Impact and Leadership:
    – Strengthen, preserve, and expand access to the University Library’s collections and resources. (Library Strategic Framework Parameter 4B) (Collections Multi-donor fund)
    – Provide education and training programs to enhance the research library workforce. (Library Strategic Framework Parameter 4D) (Innovation, Research and Professional Dev. Multi-donor fund)
    – Foster professional development and research opportunities for University Library faculty and staff. (Innovation, Research and Professional Development Multi-donor fund)

You will be hearing and seeing more about this as we move forward. But, for now, how you can help: We need your stories of impact. Can you share a story about how the library had an impact on a student worker, a faculty researcher, a student? Can you help us frame it to show a donor how their gift will allow us to do more of the same? If you have suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, Jason Quackenbush or Heather Murphy.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chicago Sun-Times Donates Roger Ebert’s Movie Archives to University Library
An important part of the legacy of the noted film critic, Urbana native, and U of I alumnus Roger Ebert has come home to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, thanks to a recent donation from the Chicago Sun-Times.

The University Archives has acquired the motion picture press kit files used by Ebert when he served as film critic for the newspaper. The files include 35mm slides and black and white glossy photographs, press release information promoting films from the 1980s through the early 2000s, as well as tear sheets of reviews by the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic. Read more…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Tip of the Month
The Library sends a monthly email to new faculty at Illinois during the fall and spring semesters. These emails introduce many of our services and resources to this important audience.

You can view the October LTOTM email here:

If you have ideas for future emails, please feel free to share them with Heather Murphy.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Data Discovery and Support Committee
Do you or your users have questions about what data is available through the Library, across campus, or out in the world? If so, please consider contacting the Data Discovery and Support Committee! We are happy to collaborate with you in locating data or recommending ways to obtain data, through the Data Purchase Program or other mechanisms. Email Carissa Phillips (chair) at or the Scholarly Commons at with any questions.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Research Data Service Committee
Do you or your users have questions about managing research data from the collection phase through the deposit/sharing phase? If so, the Research Data Service Committee brings together subject specialists, research data librarians, and functional specialists to help address researchers’ data management needs. Questions are always welcome and can be directed to Heidi Imker at or
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Research and Publication Committee
At the Research and Publication Committee meeting in October, the committee began tweaking the policies and website for the committee. In the process we noted that we have over 20 tenure track faculty members this year. We would really like to hear from you (and support you) if you at all possible. If you have questions about the funding process, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be asking tenured individuals to please hold their requests until the beginning of 2018 if possible. However, if you are tenured and have a time sensitive proposal, feel free to contact Lynne Rudasill to discuss it.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Collection Development Committee Notes
The most recent meetings minutes of the CDC are posted at
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Content Access Policy & Technology Meeting Minutes

September 2017 Meeting
The following work groups provided reports:

Cataloging and Metadata – Michael Norman
Michael’s report included updates on these items:

  • VuFind 3.1 Catalog
  • Knowledge base of names affiliated with the University of Illinois
  • Experimenting with BIBFRAME 2.0
  • Status of the I-Share Next RFP

Also, Michael will develop a proposed timeline and workflow for record reclamation/enhancement in support of anticipated ILS migration. The plan is to submit a timeline at next month’s CAPT meeting.

Electronic Resources – Lynn Wiley
Lynn’s report included updates on these items:

  • Membership changes to the group
  • SFX E-book additions
  • Maintenance of serial records
  • Assessment and statistics of EBSCO subscriptions
  • A report on cancels for the year will be posted
  • Acquisitions’ web pages are moving to WordPress
  • Wendy Shelburne is going on sabbatical
  • Staff training to improve online review
  • Procurement and changes in the law

The work group reports are all attached to the meetings minutes:

Other Business
Helenmary asked to be on next month’s agenda regarding communication and workflows related to repositories.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Recognizing Excellence

Please forward journal editorships or editorial board membership, elected and invited external service appointments, honors, and awards information to Heather Murphy.
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HR NEWS: Faculty and AP Searches
Below is a summary of current academic searches as of November 1, 2017 (click on graphic below to enlarge). A more comprehensive listing is sent via LibNews each month.

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IT NEWS: Two-Factor Authentication
There’s been a lot of buzz around Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) lately. How does it affect you and me? For starters, you will need it to get your W-2 tax form! The University requires 2FA because of increased attempts to steal passwords. If a hacker manages to get your password (something you know), with 2FA they will also need to get your cell phone or 2FA token (something you have) in order to do any damage. It is relatively easy to get someone’s password (phishing) or to get a token (stealing it), but it is difficult to get both from the same person.

The following University systems currently require two-factor authentication, with more systems to be announced:

  • Banner Forms
  • NESSIE Direct Deposit (from non-University networks and VPN)
  • W-4 Tax Forms
  • W-2 Tax Forms

If you have not yet signed up, from a computer on the University network please go to this web site:

You can get personal assistance at the Library IT Help Desk or at the Technology Services Help Desk in 1211 Digital Computer Lab.
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IT NEWS: Web Migration Updates
The migration of the Library’s web content to the WordPress CMS is nearing completion to the point that we will soon be able to turn off the old OpenCMS system. However, don’t worry, in case we missed something, the old OpenCMS content will be archived and remain accessible to Library staff if needed. Below are some of the recent milestones:

  • There are new WordPress templates for Library Division and Library Committee web pages
    – The division content has been migrated to the new templates
    – The committee content, including meeting agendas and minutes going back to at least two years, has been migrated. This will eventually be extended back to five years.
  • There are new pages for the Library Unit and Staff Directories. These are populated from data in the Library Directory database application.
  • There is a new WordPress template for faculty and staff bio pages. All faculty and staff will have a basic bio page populated from the Library Directory database. Individuals may selectively disable their page, or they may also add additional info to their bio pages by enabling specific sections which can pull data from the Experts system or be edited as desired.
  • Training on how to use the Library Directory database application is also being developed and will be available on a recurring basis.

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FACILITIES: Facility Project Updates

  • Veterinary Medicine Library – College Remodeling Project. The College of Veterinary Medicine will be remodeling the majority of the current physical footprint of the Veterinary Medicine Library. Upon completion of the project there will be; shared study/research space, small reference collection, public computers and the librarian’s office. The balance of the space is being remodeled for classroom and collaborative learning environments for the College. Project completion and move scheduled prior to Winter Break.
  • Main Library – Elevator Upgrade – E1 (northwest) summer 2017 and E5 (east) summer 2018. The project is a campus wide multiple elevator upgrade project. The elevator cabs and controls for the E1 & E5 elevators will be upgraded to provide reliable transportation throughout the Main Library. E1 will be upgraded summer 2017 and E5 will be upgraded summer 2018. E1 to be completed November 13, 2017.

For a complete list of project in planning and construction please see:
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Staff Events Calendar
To see the most up-to-date staff events calendar, please visit
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: American Music Month
Revolutionary Musical Exchanges
November 1 – 30, 2017
School of Music, University Library, and Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: NISO Two-Part Webinar: Engineering Access Under The Hood

Engineering Access Under The Hood, Part One — Challenges of Identity and Authentication Management
Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
428 Library
The first half of this two-part webinar program will provide an overview of the current landscape of options available to academic institutions for ensuring and streamlining access to materials by legitimate users. What’s working, which technological approaches may be outdated and what needs to be done (research, technology upgrades, etc.) to resolve the problem?

Engineering Access Under The Hood, Part Two — Enhancing & Harmonizing Metadata for Discovery & Use
Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
428 Library
The second half of this session will provide an overview of the issues associated with delivering quality metadata by and to various stakeholders. Based on comments made, it’s an old issue. But what are the existing barriers? What improvements might be made? What stands in the way of successful implementation?
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Ricker Library Centennial Celebration
November 7, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ricker Library of Architecture and Art, 208 Architecture Building, 608 E. Lorado Taft Drive, Champaign

Tuesday, November 7 from 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Ricker Library of Architecture & Art (2nd floor of Architecture Building), we will have cake and refreshments as well as highlights from the library’s collection related to Nathan Clifford Ricker on view in the Library. We also have some gifts to give away!

After the celebration, attend the Ricker Library Centennial Lecture: “Nathan Clifford Ricker: Establishing Architecture at the University of Illinois” by Professor Emeritus of Architectural History, Paul Kruty at 5:30 p.m., reception begins at 5 p.m. The reception will be held in Blicharski Atrium, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall and the lecture will be in the Lawrence J. Plym Auditorium, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall (611 Lorado Taft Dr, Champaign, IL 61820).
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Library Blood Drive
Blood mobile will be parked in the Undergraduate Library circle drive from 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., November 7. Sign up on the Staff Calender,
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Prints as underdrawings in 16th-century French Horae
November 7, 3 p.m.
Lecture at the Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Room 346, Main Library

Featuring: Maureen Warren, Curator of European and American Art before 1850, Krannert Art Museum

Books of Hours (Horae) were the undisputed medieval ‘bestsellers.’ They had a profound effect on European devotional, educational, and aesthetic practices. Gilles and Germain Hardouyn, active in Paris from 1491 to 1541, specialized in hybrid printed Horae that were hand-painted in imitation of illuminated manuscripts.

Printed Horae were found in libraries across Europe but Paris was the hub of production, which began in the 1480s. By 1530, more than 1600 editions had been printed. Printed Horae by the Hardouyns can look deceptively like their manuscript counterparts, with over-painted prints, supplementary painted decoration, and true miniatures. Sometimes the only indication that such books had been printed was the regularity of the typeface.

Warren will discuss why these prints imitate the effects of illuminations well as the broader implications of this practice, which question the history of printmaking as a linear trajectory of ever increasing media specificity.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: CARLI Webinar “New Tools in Resource Sharing: Keeping Up with the Changes”
Thursday, November 9, 2017, 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
428 Library
Host Rand Hartsell

Please join the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee for a live webinar:

The evolution of academic publishing and scholarly communication is providing interlibrary loan practitioners with new sources for connecting users with the published forms of information they need. The wide variety of these sources presents challenges in discovery, referral, and other areas. Drawing on the presenter’s experience in a high-volume interlibrary loan operation at a medical library, this discussion will review a selection of these new sources and address some of the relevant issues involved. Sources to be discussed include gold and green open access material, digital libraries containing scanned public domain literature, institutional repositories, and social media sites for sharing academic literature.


Kevin O’Brien is the head of the Access to Resources Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Library of the Health Sciences, and he holds the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor. He has worked for many years in academic and medical libraries, specializing in interlibrary loan, and he is a facilitator for the Medical Library Association’s Resource Sharing Special Interest Group. O’Brien recently published an article titled “Large scale book and journal digitization projects and interlibrary loan service: opening the discussion”, which appears in the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Electronic Reserves.
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Thursday, November 9, 2017, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
314 Library

Rebecca McGuire will lead a workshop on using Canva. Canva is an easy to use graphic design software program.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Opening Ceremony: Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Students
Nov 14, 2017
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
International and Area Studies, 309 Main Library

The International and Area Studies Library (IASL) will host a ceremony to mark the establishment of a Taiwan Resource Center for China Studies (TRCCS) through an MOU with the University of Illinois and the National Central Library of Taiwan. All members of the Library staff are welcome to attend the opening ceremony and reception with further information regarding the program and times to follow. In conjunction with this event, IASL will also host an exhibit focused on the history of printing and print culture in China, which will be in IASL in October and November.

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EVENTS AND TRAINING: LTC: National Issues Forums Webinar
Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
314 Library

Join the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) to learn how academic libraries can convene deliberative forums on important issues, thereby solidifying their role as a campus center for interdisciplinary and intellectual development while exploring pathways to civic engagement.

The National Issues Forums Institute, in partnership with the Kettering Foundation, has provided materials and a process for students to enhance their critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and aptitude for and willingness to work together and has provided these resources to educators at both the K-12 and higher education levels for over 35 years.

Participants will learn:

  • Why academic libraries should hold deliberative forums.
  • How academic libraries can use the NIFI method to bring students together to deliberate, review options and make choices about how to approach difficult issues and work toward creating reasoned public judgment.
  • How library professionals can utilize this model for educational offerings, as well as to aid the campus in decision-making.
  • Best practices for coordinating and facilitating in-person and online dialogues.

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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Creative Connections
Thursday, November 16, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
U of I Ice Rink – host, Sara Benson
Cost is $6.00, Campus Rec members free, skate rental is $2.00
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If you would like to submit content for the December issue of Library Office Notes, please submit it to Heather Murphy or Tom Teper by Wednesday, November 22, 2017.