Tech Tip of the Week: 2FA without a Phone

You are trying to log-in to Canvas when you suddenly realize your phone is dead and you’re stuck on the 2FA screen. Fear not! You can simply log-in to the NetID Center and request a temporary passcode. The passcode will be sent to your primary email on file and, voila, you can now login with 2FA without your phone. For additional security, you can also add multiple devices to 2FA. That way, if you forgot your iPhone but you have your iPad, you can login with 2FA without requesting a temporary passcode.

Tech Tip of the Week: Removing Text Formatting

You are working on a project that requires copying and pasting text but the original formatting can’t be removed. Fortunately, there is an easy solution. First, copy the text you want to use. Then paste it into a url box, which will remove the formatting. From here, you can copy and paste the text where you need it to go!

Tech Tip of the Week: Canvas FAQ Pages for Instructors and Students

As the iSchool fully transitions to Canvas, you may be feeling overwhelmed with all there is to know about using the new learning management system. Fortunately for you, the Help Desk has compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions for instructors and students. Whether you’re an instructor with questions about creating assignments or a student trying to figure out how to upload an assignment, the Canvas FAQ lists can help answer all of your Canvas questions!

Tech Tip of the Week: Services Available After Graduation

While many services and accounts expire after graduation, some services will continue for a period of time. The Help Desk has compiled a list of services you can still use for a while after you leave the iSchool. Make sure to review it over the summer and save any information from these services before the Fall.

Tech Tip of the Week: Downloading Course Content from Canvas

The end of the semester has arrived! But there is still one task left to complete before you start summer break. To ensure you have access to past course materials, make sure to download course content and submissions from Canvas. Otherwise, Canvas courses will be archived and you will lose access to past content and submissions. If you have questions about this process, contact the Help Desk.

Tech Tip of the Week: Adding an Alternative Host to Zoom

You have a Zoom meeting scheduled but you, as the host, just realized you have a scheduling conflict and won’t be able to attend. Fortunately, you can assign someone else to be an alternative host in your absence. Alternative hosts have permissions that co-hosts do not have, such as starting, ending, or recording a meeting. The steps to create an alternative host for pre-existing meetings can be found on the iSchool Wiki. If you have any questions on how to use this feature, the Help Desk is here to help!

Tech Tip of the Week: Managing Your UIUC Accounts and Passwords

Need to change your password? Not sure where to go to register for classes? The iSchool Help Desk has compiled a list of the official UIUC websites you need to use for these tasks and more. There is even information on how to choose a secure password! The Help Desk is here to help if you have any questions about using these resources.

Tech Tip: Asking for Help in Zoom Breakout Rooms

Did you know you can ask for help from your instructor in Zoom breakout rooms? At the bottom of the Zoom screen, you can click “Ask for Help” in the meeting controls. Another button will appear that says “Invite Host.” Clicking this button sends a notification to the instructor that your breakout room has requested help.

For more Zoom tips and tricks, visit the Zoom Help Desk Wiki page.

Tech Tip of the Week: Safe Senders in Outlook

Have you ever missed an email because it was sent to your junk mail folder? You can avoid this issue by ensuring your contacts are listed as Safe Senders in Outlook.  Adding contacts to your Safe Senders list depends on the version of Office you have on your device. Microsoft has detailed instructions on how to add contacts depending on the version of Office you use. The Help Desk can help you with any questions you have about utilizing Safe Senders.

Tech Tip of the Week: Slido

Slido is a tool that makes it easy to create interactive polls for Zoom meetings or other events. From multiple choice to word clouds (like the one the Help Desk created below), participants can see results change instantly. Polls can be embedded in PowerPoint slides via a personalized QR code or a link can be shared with participants. To learn more about creating interactive polls and to start your free account, visit or watch this video for more details on using Slido.