Oh, Ophelia, you’ve been on my mind girl since the flood

We’ve got snakes on the brain this week, folks! Meet Ophelia, a gentle ball python who provides her human company. She is most supportive when Kayla is cleaning or working on homework.

Decorative graphic featuring a thick snake wrapped around someone's hand. The snake is black with olive-colored spotting that is similar to leopard print. some of the spots have black spots in the center. The snake's head is pointed upward and resting on the top of her owner's hand. Graphic reads: "Ophelia, iSchool Help Desk Pet of the Week"

Follow Ophelia’s lead, and slither off into a good weekend!

If you have a pet that you would like to submit–scaley or furry- email us at ischool-support@illinois.edu .


Dogs Need Stuffed Animals Too

Happy Friday! the next member of Kayla’s menagerie is Tessa. The first time you meet Tessa, she will bring along a stuffed animal for you to meet as well and to keep her company, as she can get a little scared sometimes.

Decorative graphic featuring a brown golden retriever flopped on a bed and looking into the camera with a pair of sad brown eyes. Graphic reads: iSchool Help Desk Pet of the Week; Tessa.

If you would like your pet featured, please email us at

Our Inaugural Gecko!

Pet of the week first, folks! Our first crested gecko. 😮 This darling’s name is Molly, named after Weasley matriarch because of her red coloring. Unlike Mrs. Weasley, Molly does not knit sweaters but she does love to catch bugs.
Decorative graphic featuring a gecko sitting on a white disc. The gecko is facing away from the camera and staring off into the distance. She's a rust red color, and her mouth is partially open. Graphic reads: "Molly; iSchool Help Desk Pet of the Week"
If you would like your pet featured, please email us at
ischool-support@illinois.edu .

Feline Pals

We’ve got two kitties to start off your three-day weekend. Junior and Rusty are pals who spend their days laying around sharing telepathic messages about which chairs get the best sunlight. We hope that your weekend is just as lazy as theirs!
Decorative graphic featuring two cats laying on a dark orange couch. The cat on the right (Junior) is a brown tabby with a white pelt and white paws. He's lying on his stomach with his front paws dangling in from. The cat on the left (Rusty) is an orange tabby. He's lying on his side with his front paws crossed in front of him. Both cats are staring off into space with apathetic expressions.
If you would like to feature your pet for pet of the week, please email us at ischool-support@illinois.edu.