Here’s a few of our biggest tips on using Zoom, as a student, instructor, guest speaker, presenter, et cetera. Links direct to the iSchool wiki, the UIUC Technology Services Knowledge Base, and previous Tech Tips from the Help Desk Blog.
- Guest Speaker Authorization from the Knowledge Base – Preparing for your guest speaker by allowing alternate domain names.
- Screen Sharing Privileges from the iSchool Wiki – If students (or other non-hosts) are presenting, you’ll want to give them screen-sharing privileges first.
- Previous Tech Tip: Presenting as a Student in Zoom (2020) from the iSchool Help Desk blog
- Presentation Mode – If you’re going to present, you can select Presenter View in most slideshow applications to generate linked slideshows on you screen. Google Slides will allow you to look back at your notes, but Power Point will change the whole screen over to slides and notes when you select Presenter View. However, since we don’t want our audience seeing our notes or upcoming slides, we can go into Zoom, screensharing, then advanced settings for screensharing and select “Portion” so you can lay the display window over just the parts of your presentation you want to show, all while you read the notes. You can test this yourself on a single computer.