These keyboard shortcuts will make navigating and managing your browser tabs a breeze!
To close your current tab–
On Windows: Ctrl + W
On Mac: Command + W
To open a new tab–
On Windows: Ctrl + T
On Mac: Command + T
To move to another tab–
On Windows: Ctrl + Tab to go to the right and Ctrl + Shift + Tab to go to the left
On Mac: Ctrl + Tab to go to the right and Ctrl + Shift + Tab to go to the left
To close your current window–
On Windows: Alt + F4
On Mac: hold Command + Q
To open a new window–
On Windows: Ctrl + N
On Mac: Command + N
To move to another window–
On Windows: Alt + Tab
On Mac: Command + Tab
To Minimize/Maximize your browser–
On Windows: Window Key + Arrowkeys
On Mac: Command + M to Minimize to Dock
To open a recently closed tab or window–
On Windows: Ctrl + Shift + T
On Mac: Command + Shift + T