We’re back again today with another twofer special of awesome iSchool Help Desk Graduate Assistants! We’re starting off today with Kennedy Pasley, a sunny GA who we asked about her favourite on-campus hangout spot, ideal superpower, and much more!

Another Southern Illinois native, Kennedy’s favourite part of the her hometown is Quatros Pizza. She is a second-semester, first-year student in the MSLIS program at the iSchool, interested in pursuing a career in academic libraries as a student success librarian.
- What is your favorite part about working at the Help Desk?
- Love co-workers, love making graphics/social media, and TIKTOK!
- What is your favorite board/video game?
- Ticket to Ride
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
- Thailand

- Where’s your favorite spot to hang out on campus/CU?
- Espresso Royale
- If given the opportunity, what book would you choose to reread again for the first time?
- The Broken Earth Series, The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
- What would your superhero superpower be?
- Never be cold
- What technology are you *really* most interested in for teaching/learning?
- Canva
- If you were an animal, what would you be?
- Giraffe; I identify with them because I am so tall

- Who would (or would you want to) play you in a movie about your life?
- Yourself