Alum: Jonas Yela


Jonas, a red-haired, bearded man wearing sunglasses and all black, walks a dog.

Jonas comes to the Help Desk from Milwaukee, Wisconsin where his favourite thing is the lake. He is a second-year student in the MSLIS in his last semester at the iSchool.

  • What is your favorite part about working at the Help Desk?
    • Helping solve problems for people
  • What is your favorite board/video game?
    • Magic the Gathering/Dark Souls
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
    • Spain
Parque Guell, Barcelona. Photo credit: Jose Ramirez, Flickr.
Parque Guell, Barcelona. Photo credit: Jose Ramirez, Flickr.
  • Where’s your favorite spot to hang out on campus/CU?
    • Rose Bowl
  • If given the opportunity, what book would you choose to reread again for the first time?
  • What would your superhero superpower be?
    • Fly
  • What technology are you *really* most interested in for teaching/learning?
    • Anything that allows for the open creation and sharing of educational resources. Media Commons and the Illinois Wiki are a couple of examples, even if there may be tools that do the same thing better.’
  • If you were an animal, what would you be?
    • Capybara
A CAPybara (a capybara wearing a black baseball cap).
  • Who would (or would you want to) play you in a movie about your life?
    • Oscar Isaac

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