Today’s installment of the Spring 2023 Meet the Graduate Assistants series for the iSchool Help Desk features *drum roll*… Jonas Yela! We quizzed Jonas about his spirit animal, dream home destination, and his fav spots in his hometown.
Jonas comes to the Help Desk from Milwaukee, Wisconsin where his favourite thing is the lake. He is a second-year student in the MSLIS in his last semester at the iSchool.
- What is your favorite part about working at the Help Desk?
- Helping solve problems for people
- What is your favorite board/video game?
- Magic the Gathering/Dark Souls
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
- Spain
- Where’s your favorite spot to hang out on campus/CU?
- Rose Bowl
- If given the opportunity, what book would you choose to reread again for the first time?
- The Dispossesed by Ursula K. Le Guin.
- What would your superhero superpower be?
- Fly
- What technology are you *really* most interested in for teaching/learning?
- Anything that allows for the open creation and sharing of educational resources. Media Commons and the Illinois Wiki are a couple of examples, even if there may be tools that do the same thing better.’
- If you were an animal, what would you be?
- Capybara
- Who would (or would you want to) play you in a movie about your life?
- Oscar Isaac