Earth Day Resources


In celebration of Earth Day, we’d like to take this opportunity to link you to a few resources in and around the C-U area of Illinois. Below are just a few places and services which help us all reduce our impact on the environment. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and with a little thought, we’re sure you can think of many other ways to support the environment.

  • Recycle batteries, medication, hearing aids, ink toner cartridges, and more at the Urbana Free Library.

battery deposit tubes


  • Donate to your old items to clothe and shoe bins around town. They’ll take things that store-fronts and non-profits might not. They do NOT have to be wearable, but they should be clean.
  • Many of the bins are sponsored by the GAIA movement, see more here:

cloth and shoe donation bin Cloth and shoe donation bin Cloth and shoe donation bin


  • There are book bins around as well, sponsored by Discover Books. Better to donate than to throw away.
  • There are also little lending libraries around town to check out and the iSchool Help Desk’s own lending libraries near each desk location.
  • Learn more about Discover Books here:

discover boks donation bindiscover books donation bindiscover books donation poster


Some other helpful links:

  • Where to take recycling in Urbana:
  • Look here for more details (there are lots of details):


  • Where to take recycling in Champaign
  • Look here for more details (there are a lot of details and places to take all kinds of materials):


  • There are all kinds of ways to get involved in keeping our collective home cleaner and healthier, from adopting a highway with friends, to planting a garden (pollinator and food gardens especially), biking, walking, or using public transport instead of driving, replacing inefficient electronics, and of course recycling when and where you can. The weather may not always be the best, but we encourage you to get outside to appreciate the natural world around you.
  • We’d also like to note what appears to be a lack of glass recycling in our area. Currently some curbside pick-up services in accept glass recyclables, but otherwise there does not seem to be any place which accepts glass items.


Published by

MLIS grad student and GA with the iSchool Help Desk

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