Less of a tech tip and more of a check-in for this week.
Did you just recently graduate? If so, congratulations! If not, congratulations on not needing to panic about the job hunt yet!
If you did just graduate, there are some things that you should do in order to put all your little iSchool ducks in a row.
- If you want to keep access to your Illinois email, you’ll need to forward messages to a non-Illinois account. Check out how to do that here.
- You will have access to Box one year after graduation! No need to back up those files right away. But doing so before you forget might be a good idea.
- You can keep your Moodle access as long as you keep your password updated! Reset your password once a year.
- Make sure you keep in touch with the Alumni office! Update your information so we can brag about all the great things you’ll accomplish.