All your Illinois Zoom meetings recorded to the cloud will automatically be available in MediaSpace. This week’s Tech Tip is about how to trim these videos.
How to trim off the beginning and end of a video:
- Navigate to your ‘My Media’ page. You will see your media arranged in a list. On the right side of the page, each entry will have an ‘Edit’ button. Select this to edit the media.
- You will also find an edit button on any of the pages where you can view media that you own. It will be below the video on the right, in the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu.
- Select “Launch Editor,” which should appear to the right of the video.
- At the bottom of the editor, you will see the timeline of your video. You can drag the orange bars at either end to trim the beginning and end of your video.
- After setting the start and end times, you can play the vied in the editor to see what the media will look like after trimming.
- You can either “save a copy” of the newly trimmed video, or “save” which will replace the original media.
How to take out a part in the middle of a video:
- Navigate to your ‘My Media’ page. You will see your media arranged in a list. On the right side of the page, each entry will have an ‘Edit’ button. Select this to edit the media.
- You will also find an edit button on any page where you can view media that you own. It will be below the video on the right, in the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu.
- Select “Launch Editor,” which should appear to the right of the video.
- At the bottom of the editor, you will see the timeline of your video.
- On this timeline, click where you want the cut to begin and then select the scissor, or “split,” tool above where you clicked. This will split your video into two.
- Then click where you want the cut to end and do the same. This will divide your video into three sections.
- Select the middle section, the one you want to cut out of the video, and either hit the delete button on your keyboard or select the trash icon to the top left of the timeline to delete this section.
- You can then watch the video in the editor to see what it would look like after having removed this section.
- You can either “save a copy” of the newly trimmed video, or “save” which will replace the original media.
As always, if you have any questions please reach out to us at the iSchool Help Desk!
Phone: 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892