I would walk 500 Niles for this pooch

This week’s Pet of the Week may be a senior citizen in dog years (he just turned 14!), but Niles is as lively as ever! He loves snuggling with his people and playing tug of war with his stuffed animal friends. Niles also appreciates long “walks” in his stroller around town.

If you have a pet that you would like to share with us, please email us at ischool-support@illinois.edu.

Hear ye, hear ye! Calling all pets!

It’s 2022. It’s high time you let the world know how awesome your pet is.

The Help Desk wants to spread the love and joy that your furry, scaly, or winged friend brings to you each and every day. Share the love and show off your best animal friend by submitting them to ischool-support@illinois.edu where they will be featured this semester as our iSchool Pet of the Week on our Twitter account and also right here on our blog!


WALL-E: 🎵 It only takes a moment to be loved a whole life long 🎶

This week’s Pet of the Week is WALL-E! It only took a moment for our Help Desk team to realize that WALL-E just might be the cutest West Highland White Terrier on Planet Earth! Submitted by his owner, Tina, WALL-E is a big fan of puppuccinos and melting hearts with those precious puppy dog eyes of his.

Do you have a pet you want to share with us? Email us at ischool-support@illinois.edu .