Get Reacquainted with Team Awesome Alums–Stephanie Norick

Photo of Stephanie, a former member of Team Awesome

Stephanie graduated in 2015 and currently lives and works just outside of Seattle. She’s a Tableau consultant at a company called Decisive Data.

Anything going on in life right now that’s especially awesome, bearing in mind that simply surviving is really pretty damned awesome right now?

I’m pretty excited about my job! I started 6 months ago and am loving it. I get to help clients manage their data and then visualize it in Tableau. It’s been a really good fit with an LIS background despite not being very LIS-y.

What do you remember best about your days as a GA? Any funny/crazy stories you can share?

The 2014 Polar Vortex fiasco is probably the most memorable. #neverforget racing down to the basement and nabbing all the computers as water is raining from the ceiling. Making the April fool’s joke video was a blast. Other than that, the many, many hours I spent hanging out in the ITD office TA-ing LEEP classes and laughing way too much/too loudly and getting in trouble for it 😛 (I blame a former colleague. If you worked with the team, you can probably guess who I mean.)

Do you find yourself using Team Awesome skills in your current life?

Yes! I’ve ended up being the go-to “help me troubleshoot this thing while our IT person is busy” person at every job since being a GA. My dongle knowledge has come in handy a surprising number of times.

What was your favorite class or instructor when you were in school?

Probably Prof. Yoo-Seong Song’s classes. Taking his classes led me to the career I’m in now. Everyone at GSLIS (err…the iSchool) is great though, seriously. I loved all my profs.

Any regrets such as a class you wish you had taken, a club you should have joined, an event you weren’t able to go to, etc.?

I had really wanted to take Instruction with Melissa Wong and could never fit it in my schedule. Now my job is shifting to doing lots of training sessions and I’m kicking myself because it really would have come in handy! Maybe I’ll still take it someday.

Favorite meme?

The lady yelling + the cat one

Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?

I’m gonna go with 100 duck-sized horses. Have you been near a horse lately? They are big and ducks are mean.

Cat or dog or ???

Dog! I’m sadly quite allergic to cats.

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