SafeAuto Team – Fall 2022


Professor Ujjal Bhowmik (ubhowmik)

Grad TAs

Yan Miao (yanmiao2)

Peter Du (peterdu2)

Hongyi Li (hli106)

Undergrad UAs

John Pohovey (jpohov2)

Haoyuan You (hy19)

Office Hours in ECEB 5072

Office Hour will officially start at the week of 8/29. Please check Campuswire for temporary OH Changes.

Starting at the week of 10/31, we will no longer have regular OH between Monday to Thursday; we will make Friday discussions optional and open office hours for projects:

Yan (Software Project): 10am-12pm

Peter (Hardware Project): 5-6pm

Hongyi (Hardware Project): 6-7pm