You will be doing programming assignments (MPs) in groups and homework (HW) problems individually. There will be one HW and one MP every other week, i.e., roughly six of each in total.
- MP1 released Lane detection 1/3 due 2/7
- HW1 released Perception 2/1 due 2/9 (.tex file)
- MP2 released Vehicle model and control 2/7 due 2/21, git repo
- HW2 released Planning 2/9 due 2/21 (.tex file)
- MP3 released Path planning 2/21 due 3/6, git repo
- HW3 released Filtering 3/13 due 3/27 (.zip file)
- MP4 released Particle filter localization 3/14 due 4/3, git repo, video tutorial
- HW4 released Safety 4/13 due 4/27 (.tex file)