Class Overview
This week in BADM 395, we spoke with Dan Banach as he guided us through AutoDesk Fusion 360. This lecture gave us a unique insight into custom fabrication of 3D printing objects. When I started this class, I was under the impression that we would be modeling our creations in an AutoCAD like product. I have previous experience with AutoCAD in shop classes. Because of my familiarity with CAD software, I was very eager to work with Dan in designing an ice scraper and iPhone stand. Dan first introduced us to the basics of 3D modeling through a 2D sketch. He showed us how to lock values and angles to produce a symmetrical design. We first produced a 2D sketch of the ice scraper before he taught us how to extrude the drawing into three dimensions. After extruding, we tapered the angle of the scraper to improve functionality. Finally, we used the fillet tool to round off the edges. We did this to improve usability and reduce wear and tear over time. Below is a picture of my finished ice scraper.
I tried to use Illini Orange and Blue, however, when the colors rendered, the blue seemed much darker than I remembered. Nonetheless, I was proud of my first creation in AutoDesk. Next, we built an iPhone shelf using the same software. Dan showed us how to shell an object and use midpoints to ensure symmetry. Many of my classmates were able to successfully produce the charger stand, but I was unable to successfully connect the shelf to the charger. I suspect that mistook an axial orientation which caused my shelf to bifurcate instead of rest atop the charger. After seeing my fellow classmates print the 3D charger and shelf, I am somewhat relieved my design failed. Many complained that the dimensions prevented a stable connection between the shell and the charger. Below is my improper attempt at the charger and stand.
Everyone who knows me knows that I take pride in my pens and pencils. I always have a handful of Ticonderoga pencils, Pilot G2-07 pens, and Frixion erasable pens on my person. To organize them when at home, I built a holder for my writing utensils. The larger section in the middle is for my fecundity of erasable pens, while the outside compartments are for the permanent pens and pencils. As I progress in BADM 395, I look forward to creating more useful designs. Speaking with Dan gave me a more holistic view of the 3D printing design process.
I really liked the holder you built. Specifically, I found it neat that you created something that you could use in your daily life. I liked how you created multiple components of different sizes for your pencil holder. With Fusion 360, I really enjoy the process of thinking about my design and then considering how I can design for the functionality I have in mind. I also really liked how you reflected on a failed design you made. There were numerous times I had to re-watch the tutorial videos to learn how to navigate through Fusion 360.
Hi Jason,
I also somehow messed up making the Iphone shelf and could not get the shelf to connect to the charger mount although my shelf kept appearing in the middle of the mount and not on top. Now that I think about it I also probably got an axis wrong so I will need to take a look. I also liked the object you made. It is simple but it serves an important purpose for you and that’s the cool thing with being able to create 3D models of objects.