Money Makers Making Progress

This week was extremely beneficial for the Money Makers. We were able to make more progress on our final project. Our first prototype did not print how we wanted it to. The screw holes were not proportioned correctly and the bottom was squished. We printed a new prototype with the screw holes at exact measurements. Then we decided to drill the drain holes into the bottom because this will give us more control over placement and size. The next day we saw our prototype and it printed perfectly. The next steps in our project are to get the light detectors to work. Norman, who has been the mastermind behind the sensors, got the light to work. But we need to use a code so it works according to the plants needs. I am looking forward to making more progress next week.

Also this week we were able to meet with other teams and hear about their progress. I really liked this because I saw how far other teams have come and hear what set backs they have had as well. Both groups we met with gave positive feedback about our vertical garden. This gave us a lot of confidence in our project.

I found this interesting article about electric scooters in California. They are made for people to rent and use throughout different cities in California. They are a way of transportation, but also a fun time to feel free. There have been problems with people dropping scooters on sidewalks or in the street. This chaos and clutter is causing a lot of issues with people. Check out the article to learn more!


3 thoughts on “Money Makers Making Progress”

  1. Bridget,
    It sounds like the Money Makers are moving along nicely in your vertical garden! I’m really excited to see what your prototype will look like at the time of final presentations next week! I wasn’t in class this week but it sounds like the design audit was quite helpful for all of the teams!

  2. Hey Bridget!
    Thanks for the update on your project! It’s going to be interesting to see how everything comes together. I like that we have similar but also very different projects as it has been cool to compare the progress. It seems like we approached the projects in somewhat opposite ways (both are great it’s just interesting to note the difference in project priority). Our team has given a lot of thought to the structure and backbone to the vertical hydroponics system and for the most part worried about getting that correct before incorporating sensors. Your team, from my observations has done a ton with the sensors and getting those working as the primary focus and then have been working on the structural components more recently. I’m looking forward to seeing the final product and how yours comes together!!

  3. Hi Bridget,
    I’m glad your second prototype worked out! I enjoyed reading your post because I can directly relate to dealing with project-related setbacks. My group decided to pivot at the last minute and create an entirely new product, and so we were definitely feeling the pressure while testing our prototype but were pleasantly surprised by the feedback we received. I look forward to hearing more about the progress you make on your vertical garden!

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