Hands On at the Fab Lab!

Week Summary

This week in class, we finally got to explore the Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab! It was an incredible experience. We entered what looked like a fairly nondescript building on the South Quad and found that the whole space was covered in cutting-edge maker equipment. Director Jeff Ginger gave us the tour, showing us the cutting equipment, fabrication tools, 3D printers, even the wood-working station in the back. While our MakerLab back at the BIF simply focused on 3D printing and design – this space truly embodied the ‘maker mindset.’

We split into two groups for a hands-on learning session. A student volunteer, Duncan, brought us to a corner room full of sowing machines and computer – not the most obvious combination. He explained how we would be using a computer software to make a 2D design, and uploading them to the sowing machines, which would then ‘print’ our design onto a canvas patch. Unsure of what to expect, I decided on a simple image of a lion (my favorite animal) to print. Duncan showed us how to import an image into the software, and manually ‘punch’ out the stitches that the machine would then follow.

Admittedly, using a software to create a 2D image was not the most unique experience we’ve had in this class. However, I was not prepared for what would happen next! We learned how to set up the  sowing machine to begin printing our design (I had to be careful to not stitch my finger into my design on accident)! When I had the spool I wanted, uploaded my design, and positioned my canvas patch, I hit the ‘start’ button on my machine. It whirred to life, slowly at first, and then rapidly picking up speed!

I was amazed at how quickly this machine fired its needle, like a piston on an engine, into the cloth as it began sketching my design. I slowly started to see my lion come to life and I was amazed – though this wasn’t a 3D printer like I was used to, I was still creating ‘something’ from ‘nothing!’ The finished product was actually amazing – the lion looked exactly as I imagined it, and I never expected that I would have loved using a sowing machine so much. This session truly showed me that ‘making’ is much more than meets the eye. I cannot wait for this week’s learning session, where I will be working to create a hand-crafted wooden box!

3 thoughts on “Hands On at the Fab Lab!”

  1. Hey Ajie,

    Great post! I shared a lot of the same excitement as you about having the opportunity to work in the fab lab! The various technology available for public use and the capabilities of the tech was amazing. I really like the set up of the fab lab. The different rooms – with each room having a different design – truly makes it feel like a maker space. I am excited to see what tools/parts of the fab lab my team and I can utilize to create our final project.

  2. Hi Ajie,
    I had a really similar experience to you this week. I agree with you that using that software wasn’t the most unique experience but it was very simple to use. I was also surprised at how much I would enjoy using the sowing machine and great the designs looked. I also used an animal design for mine as I think they are some of the most distinct things that can be created.

  3. Hi Ajie,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. This week I was in the other room creating the wooden box that we will put the cloth over. It seems like you had an awesome eye opening experience! I was amazed with the laser cutter printer because it moved quickly and was so accurate. The sowing machine seems to work similarly. I like your lion design, super creative. I think we both were able to have a positive experience in the Fab Lab and it was fun putting our ideas to work. Great job!

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