Schedule – Spring 2024

Lecture recordings

Lecture Schedule

DateTopicAssigned ReadingLecture NotesExtras
1.16 (Tu)introduction

Zoom link
Mod. Rob. Ch 2intro slides (requires
login to microsoft360)
Suggested Material:
Matrix Cookbook
Linear Algebra Done Right
Gilbert Strang Lectures
1.18 (Th)configuration space
zoom link
Mod. Rob. Ch 2slides 
1.23nonholonomic constraints & rigid body motionsMod. Rob. 3.1-3.2slides 
1.25rigid body motionsMod. Rob. 3.1-3.2
1.30exponential coordinatesMod. Rob. 3.3-3.4slides 
2.1homogeneous transformationsMod. Rob. 3.3-3.4slides
2.6hom. transf. + screws & wrenchesslides
forward kinematic map
Mod. Rob. 4.1-4.2slides
2.13forward kinematic map
dh parameters
2.15jacobianMod. Rob. 5.1-5.2slides 
2.20jacobian and statics of open chainsslides
2.22inverse kinematics I Mod Rob Ch 6slides
2.27No Lecture
2.29numerical inverse kinematicsslides 
3.5review session 
3.7exam 1
3.19kinematics of closed chains slides 
3.21robot dynamics (Lagrangian) slides 
3.26trajectory generationslides 
3.28intro to robot control  slides 
4.2intro to robot control 
4.4no lecture – office hours.
4.9robot control + intro to motion planningch 10slides 
4.11intro to motion planning