Weekly Round-Up

take care of yourself and others

Welcome back!  For those of you who are on campus, please be sure to follow all the safety guidelines to protect yourself and those around you.  Please wear a mask, practice social distancing, and avoid large gatherings.  Stay home if you feel sick, and get tested regularly as mandated.  We know how difficult this is, but we really want you all to stay well and to do your part to keep the community safe.  Thanks!

For more information, see https://covid19.illinois.edu/guides/students/


Join us in congratulating Kirstin Wilcox, Director of the Humanities Professional Resource Center, who recently won an IlliAAC Outstanding Student Services Professional Award.  IlliAAC is a campus organization of advisors and student services professionals and this award is a meaningful and well-deserved acknowledgement of Kirstin’s dedication to students working in humanities fields (i.e. all of you)!

Study Spaces for Students

Looking for a quiet place to study on campus?  This link will take you to a list of available spaces, plus information about the guidelines that will keep you and the other people who are using them safe.


secondary education minor application closes august 31

This is a reminder that if you will be a Junior this year (or if you will be a Senior planning for a 5th year) and you are NOT ALREADY in the minor, you MUST apply this August to begin the secondary education sequence this coming Spring.  Assuming you are accepted into the minor, you would student teach and graduate in Spring of 2022.  Questions?  Contact Amanda Heinsman at heinsman@illinois.edu. Details and a link to the application can be found here.

SourceLab Information session

SourceLab is a student-led digital humanities research collective that publishes digital documentary editions of historical sources for public use. In addition, we host open events throughout the semester on the relationship between Digital Humanities, classroom education, and the future of the historical record.  SourceLab draws on graduate and undergraduate students from across campus, and our graduates have gone on to careers in teaching, digital publishing, and archival work, as well as graduate school in a range of disciplines.

There is an information session coming up on Wednesday, August 26th at 4:30pm over Zoom. At that meeting you will meet some of the members of SourceLab and learn more about what we do, the events coming up, and how to get involved. There will be time for questions at the end.


Meeting ID: 979 3695 7492  I  Password: 827624


Join the WRC for the first Dish It Up of the semester, which will feature part one of a panel entitled “The State of Womxn.” Our panelists will discuss what they think are the most pressing issues facing womxn today and how we can stand in solidarity together. You don’t want to miss it!

Moderator: Dr. Flavia Andrade, acting Director of Women & Gender in Global Perspectives
Panelists: Leslie Morrow (Director of the LGBT Resource Center), Taylor Mazique, Sarah Locke.

Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96269686897?pwd=a0ora1g5akV1MHJKQmwzYjVOOUVYQT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 962 6968 6897 | Password: 123295

Campus Rec Food Assistance Program

The ARC Student Food Pantry is a shopping style pantry. Food is set up on shelves by food groups. Shoppers walk through the space and take food off shelves according to pantry guidelines. This model allows shoppers to handle food, choose items that they will eat and enjoy, and look at the labels just as if they were shopping in a store. Food Science and Human Nutrition Students will be available to answer shopper questions and to provide resources to prepare the food. The ARC Food Pantry is located in the rear of the ARC Instructional Kitchen (beside the indoor climbing wall).

Pantry hours: 
Tuesday, 1-4 p.m.
Saturday, 2-5 p.m.

More info herehttps://campusrec.illinois.edu/food-assistance-and-well-being-program/

SKY Happiness Retreat

SKY Happiness Retreat is a powerful weekend retreat filled with evidence-based meditation and breath-work practices, social connectionself-development and stress-management skills which bring calm, clarity and happiness.

Some Benefits

✔️ Learn powerful evidence-based meditation that brings clarity and calm
✔️ Understand sources of stress and the power of breath-work
✔️ Gain the ability to effectively manage stress, energy and negative emotions
✔️ Experience tools to increase personal happiness!
✔️ Increase social connection, enthusiasm, and inspiration
✔️ Learn to deal with criticism and mistakes
✔️ Increase capacity and self-confidence
✔️ Develop greater equanimity
Join this special experience in the comfort of your own home/dorm!

August 28-30 (Fri-Sun)
Friday: 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm CST
Sat & Sun: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm CST
Cost: Fully funded for UIUC students, staff, and faculty

Apply here ––  tiny.cc/SKYhappiness

If you have any questions please reach out to gerelbt2@illinois.edu

Weekly Round-Up

Student Resources for Remote Learning

The Illinois Remote main site has a Student Resources page, where you’ll find information on how to get started with remote learning, tech and exam help, library and computer lab resources, student wellness resources and more.


Please pay particular attention to the Additional Resources at the bottom of the page. The College and Departmental Contacts for Students has been updated with current information for the fall, and it also now includes points of contact for student forms.

How to Get your Textbooks

The Illini Union Bookstore has the following message for students:

“For their health and wellbeing, we will not be allowing individuals to shop in-store for textbooks. Purchases are online only. Pick up will be held at the Illini Union between August 16 and August 29 and after that at the bookstore.  We will also be distributing PPE kits at the same time.  Order early if you want to get your books in time for class!”

If you have questions you can call the bookstore at 217-333-2050 or email iubtextbooks@illinois.edu, or check out the FAQ at https://bookstore.illinois.edu/site_textbookFAQ.asp.”

Undergraduate Research Resources

The Office of Undergraduate Research has assembled two online resources to provide undergraduate researchers and their mentors: 1) a curated list of guidelines for safe research practices; and 2) information about OUR’s programming for the fall semester. These resources can be found at http://undergradresearch.illinois.edu/covid19/.

These guidelines were developed in accordance with University of Illinois protocols and are subject to change based on our developing knowledge of COVID-19 and evolving university guidance. 

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and resilience during these challenging times. Please contact us at ugresearch@illinois.edu if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback.

Lead Your Life: Select Leadership Studies courses

Need help sorting through what’s next for you? Choose what matches your schedule and your needs. Gain skills to help you through any challenge life sends your way.

LEAD 140 (2nd eight weeks – online)

Harnessing Your Interpersonal Intelligence lets you look inward. Practice self-awareness and self-management to gain control of who you are and what you want. Open to students with freshmen, sophomore, or junior standing.

LEAD 260 (full semester – both in person and online options)

Foundations of Leadership focuses on what kind of leader you want to be to make a difference in your world. Explore diversity, foundational and contemporary approaches to leadership, and more to learn how to more effectively work with and lead others. Fulfills a Social & Behavioral Science Gen Ed requirement.

LEAD 440 (1st eight weeks – online)

Interpersonal Intelligence for Professional Success is all about developing the tools you need to work collaboratively and help lead professional and academic teams of all shapes and sizes. Open to students with senior standing and graduate students.

Questions? Contact Dr. Jenn Smist at jsmist@illinois.edu.

Weekly Round-Up

a message FROM THE HPRC
  • We’re here to meet with students individually via Zoom or phone — you can email us at humanitiesprc@illinois.edu to set up a time.
  • HUM 275: Careers for Humanities Majors is an asynchronous online 2-credit course for Fall 2020. Juniors and seniors majoring in the humanities are eligible to take this course, which will help students recognize and promote the skills they learn in their major while exploring potential paths.
  • Additional information, advice, and opportunities for students are available on our website: https://humanitiesprc.web.illinois.edu/
  • We’re offering a week of late-afternoon career-planning events August 10 – 14, 5:00 – 5:30pm each day, to give humanities majors answers to some of the most common questions they have and prepare them to make the most of campus career resources in the fall semester. See the promotional flier below for more information about each event. Students can register at https://go.illinois.edu/HPRCAugust2020.

Let Us Know Where You’ll Be!

All students enrolled for the Fall 2020 semester are required to provide fall address information by August 17. Maintaining an updated address enables campus health and wellness units to communicate proper protocols to students that will help us all maintain a safe and healthy campus environment during the pandemic. You can update your address in self-service this way:

1) In Self-Service, select “University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.”
2) Log in using your NetID and Password.
3) In the Main Menu, select “Personal Information.”
4) In the Personal Information menu, select “Addresses & Phones.”
5) In the dropdown for “Type of Address to Insert,” select “Student Location” then click “Submit.”
6) Use August 1, 2020 as the “Valid From This Date,” and December 31, 2020 for the “Until This Date” field.
7) Complete the Address Lines 1-3 to the best of your ability. Address Line 1 is a required field that should include your location street name and number. If you don’t know a specific apartment number, for example, you can leave Address Lines 2 and/or 3 blank.
8) Input the City of your location and select the appropriate State or Province from the drop-down. The ZIP or Postal Code and County fields will populate automatically based on City and State or Province. If your location is international, not in the U.S. or Canada, you can enter your nation first, then please provide a complete postal address including street, city, and postal code where applicable.
9) Once you have completed the remaining fields to the best of your ability (phone information is not required), click “Submit.”

Weekly Round-Up


Now that the revised FA20 schedule is visible at https://courses.illinois.edu/schedule/2020/fall, please take some time to review your classes and see if you need to make any changes.  Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If a course is no longer showing up on your schedule grid, but you haven’t dropped it, then that means it will be taught asynchronously (in other words, with no scheduled class meetings).  Asynchronous online courses have the advantage of being more flexible and allowing you to get the work done when it’s convenient (though you must keep an eye on deadlines!) but the disadvantage of not allowing for real-time contact with peers.  It’s up to you to decide whether you feel comfortable with an asynchronous course.  The risk is that you will feel detached, so gather all the information you can ahead of time about what will be expected of you (and when) and how you can keep in touch with the instructor.   Remember that the computer is not teaching the course; there is a person there!
  • If you see a time conflict that wasn’t there before, let an advisor know.  We need to check to see what is causing the conflict and what needs to be done to address it.  In some cases there may be a mistake to be fixed or a glitch to be resolved.  Give us a chance to make sure there’s isn’t an easy fix before you drop a class.
Design the Ultimate Pitch!

Check out the Siebel Center for Design’s class on Successful Storytelling: Designing the Ultimate Pitch (TE 398 (Section ST).  This class will meet on Wednesdays from 1-2:50 pm and will be taught completely online by instructors well-versed in current innovative technologies and techniques.

Updates from the Women’s Resources Center

From the WRC’s site at https://oiir.illinois.edu/womens-center:
“While a number of WRC programs and events are in the process of being cancelled or rescheduled, we want to reassure you that students, staff, and faculty in need of confidential advising services related to sexual assault and harassment, stalking, sexual exploitation, and abuse within a relationship (and their support persons) are still able to access services through the Women’s Resources Center with the following modifications:

In-person services are temporarily suspended, however phone/virtual advocacy and support for new, past, or currently-served clients and their support person(s) remains available Monday-Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm.

To schedule a free appointment: Call (217) 333-3137 or email womenscenter@illinois.edu (or your Confidential Advisor for current/past clients) from a safe number or email account. Please note email is not a confidential form of communication, and should only be used for scheduling purposes.

For free after hours (and 24/7) confidential support, call the RACES Hotline (for sexual assault and stalking) at (217) 384-4444 or the Domestic Violence Hotline at (877) 384-4390. These resources and more can be accessed at wecare.illinois.edu. We also invite you to visit the WRC’s COVID-19 Statement for more information about WRC changes during the pandemic at https://oiir.illinois.edu/womens-center/wrc-home/wrc-news.”