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Welcome back to campus all of our English department students, and a special welcome to new mid-year transfers! We’re happy to have you.
As a reminder, the deadline to add a full-semester course is Monday, January 31. If you have questions or concerns about your spring schedule, email or call the office to schedule an appointment.
English student association (esa) welcome event
Come to the online Welcome Event for English and Creative Writing Majors on Sunday, January 30th! It will be hosted by English Student Association (ESA) and we will be watching the 2019 movie Little Women on Zoom. The festivities will start at 6:00 pm, so join us to hang out with ESA and get to know your fellow English department students! All are welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 776 318 7140
Password: ESA
New Book Launch Reading
CW Faculty Reading
- David Wright Faladé, author of the new novel, Black Cloud Rising
- Corey Van Landingham, author of the new poetry collection, Love Letter to Who Owns the Heavens
Thursday, Feb 10 | 4:30-6:00 pm
Room 407 of the Illini Union
social justice RSO offers paid internships
The UIUC RSO Organic Oneness has a paid Internship Program that is now open and accepting applications until January 30 for the spring semester. Great for students seeking to strengthen their expertise around social justice-focused not-for-profit work in the areas of communication, development and programming. All majors and academic levels are invited to apply.
For more information visit:
Please send any questions to
KAM curatorial internships are offered during the fall and spring semesters, as well as during the summer. They are compensated with academic credit hours and are not hourly positions. Applicants do not need a background in art history to apply. Internships require a commitment of at least 6 hours a week, and reference from the student’s advisor or other faculty member. Applicants should have excellent communication and writing skills, computer proficiency, and research skills. Interns are assigned to work with an individual curator, based on the student’s educational background, experience, and interests. The goal of KAM internships is to help individuals interested in museum careers or related fields gain significant experience in one or more areas of museum practice, including work with the collection, exhibitions, publications, and programs, and to encourage critical engagement with the history and changing roles of museums in our communities today.
How to Apply: For the application, you will need to prepare the following materials and submit them to
Deadline to apply: February 4, 2022 -Cover Letter: Along with your mailing address, email, and telephone information, include a personal statement of no more than 500 words, which explains how an internship at KAM would fit with your background and career goals. If possible, mention specific subjects, resources, or parts of the collections that are of particular interest. Describe what you hope to learn from the internship. Please indicate if you would like to work on Project 1 or Project 2 in your cover letter. – Resume/Curriculum Vitae: Please limit resumes to three pages or less – Faculty Member Reference: Please provide name and email/contact information. A curator will contact you to indicate if your internship is approved.
leadership center positions
The Illinois Leadership® Center (ILC) is hiring undergraduate student employees for the 2022-2023 academic year. The application deadline is Monday, February 7th. Positions include:
Communication & Marketing Specialist
Leadership Certificate Program Specialist
Data Analytics Specialist
Graf Intern
Graphic Designer*
Podcast Intern*
Check out our website for position descriptions, student testimonies, and more:
Game-show style battle dance piece at Krannert, Feb 3-5
Students will be performing a battle-style interactive dance game stage work called “SoundWave Surfing” on the Dance Department’s “February Dance” concert at the Krannert Center. This is a dance and vocal improv game where two teams improvise and ride their own sound waves, and the audience decides which team makes the coolest mix of music and dance. Here are details of the performance:
Here is a link to an early version of this dance that gives you some idea of what it’s like. This version is a duet, whereas the new version for this performance pits one team of dancers against another in a game show format.
Summer Faculty-led Study Abroad Opportunities
With the summer study abroad deadlines approaching, we wanted to share a list of faculty-led programs that are open to students in all majors across campus.
Each program page is linked below and can be found in the My Study Abroad system. Students are also eligible to apply for campus, college-wide, and national + international scholarships.
Application Deadline: February 15
- AUSTRIA: International Organizations and Regionalism in Vienna (PS 392)
- COSTA RICA: Natural Products in Costa Rica (CHEM 492)
- ECUADOR: Sustainable Agriculture & Eco-Tourism in the Galapagos Islands (ACE 499 & ACE 398) ** Info Session: Tues, Jan 25 @ 12pm in ACES Library – Heritage Room**
- ITALY: Energy Systems & Italian Language and Culture (NPRE 201)
- PERU: Archaeology Field School in Peru (LAST 395)
- SOUTH AFRICA: Service Learning, Child, Family, Health and Agriculture in South Africa (HDFS 379)
- SWEDEN: Environment and Society in a Changing Arctic (NRES 285 + NRES 293) **Info Session: Wednesday, February 2 @ 5pm in W121 Turner Hall or Zoom**
Minor in Game Studies is here!
Deadlines approaching!
Secondary education minor
The application for the Secondary Education minor is now open, for students who are expecting to begin the licensure sequence in Spring 2023 and graduate at the end of Spring 2024. This application is NOT for first-year students, but rather for second-year students (or third-year students who are on a 5-year plan). The application is available here, and the deadline is February 1, 2022.
Kevin T Early Memorial Scholarship
Submissions for the 2021-2022 academic year’s Kevin T. Early Memorial Scholarship are open. This scholarship is made possible from an endowment by William and Donna Early in memory of their son, a poet, Kevin T. Early. It awards $2000 to a student with freshman standing at UIUC for the 2021-2022 school year. The deadline for application is January 31, 2022.
For consideration, students must submit 5 poems via email to John Dudek at: The complete submission should not exceed 5 pages (so 1 poem to a page). Submissions should be attached to the email as .docx (Word) files.
The subject line of the email should read: “EARLY PRIZE SUBMISSION: Last name.”
The body of the email should include the student’s name, address, phone number, e-mail, UIN, and the titles of the poems. The name should not appear on the entry file itself. Complete guidelines are included in the attached document.
If you have any questions, please email John Dudek at
Undergraduate Research Opportunities!
legal humanities symposium
You can now apply to participate in the HRI-Mellon Legal Humanities Undergraduate Symposium to be held from 12:00PM to 4:00PM on April 29, 2022 as a part of Undergraduate Research Week. Students of all majors are encouraged to present their research on legal humanities through oral presentations.
Interested students are invited to submit a 300 word abstract and explanation of the project’s connection to legal humanities. The field of legal humanities can be defined as the exploration of law through applications of historical, philosophical, literary, and visual thinking. Students must submit the application form by midnight on February 22, 2022. Students will be notified of the outcome of the review process by March 1, 2022.
Apply Here:
office of undergraduate research workshops
The Office of Undergraduate Research announces its Spring 2022 workshop calendar. Information for each workshop including how students can register can be found here .
For all workshops, OUR will be offering both virtual and in-person dates. Participation is by advance registration only; there are a limited number of spots available for each workshop, so please sign up as soon as possible. Workshops will be added throughout the term based on demand.
Value of Undergraduate Research Workshop (VURW)
During this workshop, we will discuss the importance (i.e. the personal and professional benefits) of conducting research as an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois. Students will leave the workshop with (1) knowledge of the skills that can be developed through research, (2) a better understanding of how undergraduate research can benefit them both personally and in their future careers, and (3) how they can showcase this experience to future employers and professional schools.
Getting Started in Undergraduate Research Workshop (GSIRW)
During this workshop, we will discuss the various forms of undergraduate research that take place on campus, guide students to develop a plan of action to locate research opportunities on campus, and discuss ways to contact faculty research mentors. Students will leave the workshop with (1) a better understanding of undergraduate research and how it takes place on our campus, (2) increased confidence to contact faculty research mentors, and (3) a list of faculty mentors to contact.
Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Research Workshop (PWRW)
During this workshop, we will discuss the fundamentals of proposal writing, guiding students to formulate successful research projects and explain their research in a concise and compelling manner that is understandable to a general audience. Students will leave the workshop with (1) basic knowledge about research proposals and their structure, (2) tactics and tools to write successful research statements, and (3) a list of resources for assistance in the writing process.
Research to Resume Workshop (RTRW)
During this workshop, we will discuss strategies to successfully communicate research skills and experiences through job, graduate school, and internship application documents. Students will leave the workshop with (1) a better understanding of how to pull marketable skills from their regular research activities and (2) practical experience marketing these skills and experiences through cover letters, resumes, and CV’s.
Presentation Workshops
In collaboration with the University Library & Writer’s Workshop, OUR will be hosting two workshops for students interested in building their presentation skills. Dates for the Giving Undergraduate Research Presentations and Poster Presentation and Design Workshop will be posted soon. Subscribe to OUR’s monthly newsletter to be notified when dates are released:
This Office of Undergraduate Research is accepting submissions to present at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium set for Thursday, April 28 at the Illini Union. For more information, including answers to frequently asked questions, follow this link. Application deadline: Tuesday, March 15
grants supporting research and travel
Research Support Grant (RSG)
Research Support Grant (RSG) This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs. We hope that this competition will both broaden and deepen the types of research being conducted by undergraduate students on campus, and that the recipients are able to use this opportunity as a way of engaging with their fields. For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:
The deadline to apply is March 11, 2022 at 11:59pm.
Conference Travel Grant (CTG)
Conference Travel Grant (CTG) This grant provides undergraduate students with awards of up to $350 to subsidize costs associated with presenting their research posters, papers, or creative works at in-person and virtual professional conferences. Please note, the Office of Undergraduate Research does not provide funds for conference attendance only; grants are meant for students who will present their work. For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:
The deadline to apply is February 24, 2022 at 11:59pm.\
Don’t Forget about These!
The Career Center – Spring 2022 Workshop Calendar
Math & Stat Student Support Center now open
The Math and Statistics Student Support Center (SSC) provides walk-in academic support and tutoring for students enrolled in a set of core introductory mathematics and statistics courses. The center is staffed by qualified teaching assistants and course assistants. The SSC is located in room **304 English Building.** (Change from Fall 2022.)
Access to the Student Support Center is restricted to students enrolled in designated Math and Statistics courses. There is no charge for access to services in the Student Support Center. Courses covered in the SSC include the following: Math 112, Math 115, Math 220, Math 231, Math 234, Stat 212, Stat 400.
For more information including hours, please visit the SSC website at