Weekly Round-up

Information Session for UK and Ireland Scholarship:

If you are interested in pursuing graduate study in the United Kingdom or Ireland, consider applying for a Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell or Gates scholarship!  NIS will be hosting an information session on May 7th from 2-3 pm that will provide insight about these opportunities from current recipients.

Online webinar link to join the session: https://us.bbcollab.com/collab/ui/session/guest/80712172e2814d8f80ae03df4d322664

For more information visit: https://calendars.illinois.edu/detail/1826?eventId=33337451

Scheduling a Consultation:

Students can schedule a phone consultation with a counselor by calling at 217-333-3704. The Counseling Center will soon be offering telehealth online counseling and will communicate about that on their website once it is available.

It is also offering brief online mental health screenings for depression, anxiety, and other common mental health concerns.

For after-hours emergencies, students who remain in the Champaign-Urbana area can reach out the Champaign County Crisis Line staffed by Rosecrance at 217-359-4141. The Counseling Center also has an extensive list of resources available on its website, including a listing of crisis lines throughout the United States.

RIO Online:

RIO, which is led by Counseling Center clinicians, provides an interactive experience that helps you:

  • Learn mindfulness skills to identify why you’re feeling the emotions you are and accept them.
  • Manage stress, anxiety, and other emotions productively.
  • Identify what’s most important to you and prioritize accordingly.

This series is open to all Illinois students—you do not need to be a current client of the Counseling Center. It strongly encourages you to be available to attend both online sessions. RIO is not considered counseling and is not confidential. The last session for spring semester starts April 28. You can register here.

Drop-in Mindfulness Workshops:

Psychological Services Center is now offering daily mindfulness drop-in workshops on Zoom. The 30-minute workshops are held at each weekday at 4:15 p.m., and each day has a theme.

  • Mindfulness Mondays
  • Intuitive Eating Tuesdays
  • Body Awareness Wednesdays
  • Thoughtful Thursdays
  • Forget-it Fridays

These workshops are not therapy. They are available to any student and are not confidential. To join, use Zoom Meeting ID: 921 6273 4821.

Expressive Arts Drop-in Workshop:

On Monday afternoons from 2 to 3:30 p.m., the Counseling Center offers an Expressive Arts Drop-In Workshop via Zoom. The workshop is open to all students. It is not counseling and participants will not be asked to share their reflections.

Zoom Meeting ID: 695 561 840   Password: CreateArt

Time Management Workshop:

Along with staff, a few of Counseling Center’s  Paraprofessionals have created a brief, online tutorial with practical tips for time management in these difficult times. The tutorial can be accessed any time on this website.

Storytelling Live with Kim Sheahan:

Kim Sheahan, Spurlock Museum’s resident storyteller, will be offering 30-minute live storytelling sessions on Spurlock’s Facebook page (external link). The event will be held on May 1, 2020 at 11:15 am. For more information, contact Beth Watkins (ewatkins@illinois.edu)

Yoga at KAM: Virtual Edition:

Krannert Art Museum will publish a hatha yoga video to its Facebook event each week at our regular yoga time. You can follow along from wherever you are.

Study Abroad Information Session:

LAS International Programs will host a virtual information session on study abroad this Friday (May 1st from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm). During this session, a panel of student returnees will share their experience in applying for scholarships, budgeting, and working abroad. The link is here Funding your Study Abroad .

LAS Scholarship Application:

All full-time LAS students are encouraged to apply for LAS specific scholarships using this one application. For more information click here .

LAS Student Academic Affairs Office Virtual Advising:

Academic advisors are ready to meet with you. From 1-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, add your name to the LAS Virtual Advising Queue and speak with someone in just a few minutes via Zoom or phone. If you would like to speak with a specific college-level advisor, please make an appointment here and select LAS Student Academic Affairs Advising, LAS AAP Advising, LAS Career Development, LAS International Programs, or LAS Honors. You can also email las-studentoffice@illinois.edu

Cancellation of study abroad programs:
The university has made the decision to extend the suspension of all study abroad programs through Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. This impacts students who were committed to participating on a study abroad program for the Fall 2020 semester and academic year 2020-2021. Impacted students are able to defer their spot in the program to a future semester. All students are encouraged to discuss this change with their academic advisor and fill out the Deferral or Withdraw Request Form by Friday, May 15, if possible. Students with questions or concerns are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an advisor in LAS International Programs.

Illinois Cares: COVID-19 Program:

You can submit a request for a grant that does not need to be repaid of up to $1,000 to help with financial challenges associated with COVID-19. If you lost your off-campus job, have additional medical expenses, or have technology needs associated with the pandemic, Emergency Dean Fund can help you.

Out for Undergrad information sessions:
Out for Undergrad is dedicated to helping LGBTQ undergraduates reach their full career potential. O4U hosts four conferences annually to help educate students and connect them to professional opportunities. Click here for information about the application process and upcoming sessions hosted by Illinois O4U ambassadors.

Dates and Deadlines:

Last day to drop or C/NC full semester or second eight-week course
Thursday, April 30

Last day of class
Wednesday, May 6

Reading Day (no classes, no final exams)
Thursday, May 7

Final exams
Friday, May 8 to Friday, May 15

Open enrollment begins for eligible students
Monday, May 11

Weekly Round-up

HOPE Scholarship

The HOPE scholarship is designed to help students who are unable to apply for federal financial aid. The scholarship also includes an emergency fund for international students who have faced financial barriers to their education due to unforeseen circumstances. The aim of this scholarship is to equip students with the resources to pursue a higher education at Illinois. Each scholarship recipient may be awarded up to $10,000 in aid. The inaugural year for this scholarship’s application period is currently open and closes Friday, May 1st.

The application can be found here . For questions, contact Arnoldo Ayala (arnoldo2@illinois.edu)

Active Minds UIUC

Active Minds is a national mental wellness organization with a branch here at UIUC. Active Minds UIUC’s mission is to improve student wellbeing on campus by addressing mental health. Its main goals are to change the conversation around mental health and advocate for student mental health needs. Currently it is conducting a survey to understand what mental health resources are most beneficial to the student body, and whether there is a need for improvements to those resources. Students are asked to participate in the survey at bit.ly/activemindssurvey. For more information you can visit Active Minds National https://www.activeminds.org/ and Active Minds UIUC https://www.facebook.com/ActiveMindsUIUC/ .

Janelle Joseph Prize for Environmental Writing:

If you are a writer interested in the environment, this is a good chance to win a cash prize by submitting your best work. You will also have the opportunity to have your work published in Q Magazine.

Grand Prize: $1,000 + publication in Q Magazine

Category Prizes: $500 + publication in Q Magazine

You can submit your paper to the following categories:

  • Op-ed: Your research-backed take on a current environmental issue
  • Q&A: Interview an environmental researcher or activist
  • Memoir: Write about an experience that you had with nature, and what it meant to you
  • Feature: In-depth, research-based piece on a topic of your choice

The writing competition is open to all Illinois undergraduates. The writing should be 1,000 to 2,000 words long. Entries are accepted July 1 through September 30, 2020. Email submissions and any questions to qmagazineillinois@gmail.com

2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS):

The 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) is going virtual! Over 350 students will present their work in an asynchronous format, with the opportunity for viewers to engage in conversation with the presenters through a forum. It will be a multi-day event, running from Monday, April 27 through Friday, May 1. The symposium will kick off on the 27th at noon (CDT) with live (Zoom) featured student presentations. [Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96284074411?pwd=L0ZiV1BaOFZiTDFDckt2T0pKdmxzQT09; Meeting ID: 962 8407 4411; Password: URS2020]. You are invited to drop in, engage with them, and be inspired by their innovation and ingenuity.

Directions for accessing the Symposium are below, but if you have comments or concerns (including problems with access), you can email at ugresearch@illinois.edu.

Accessing the 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium:

The Symposium is available only for those with a University of Illinois NetID. Campus community members wishing to view the Symposium will first need to enroll to view student presentations and interact with our presenters.

Weekly Round-up

Focus group on undergraduate engagement and humanities research opportunities:

Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities (IPRH) is inviting undergraduate students to register for a focus group on undergraduate engagement and humanities research opportunities. IPRH is the humanities research institute on campus. It would like to expand its outreach to undergraduates interested in the humanities and to do so it needs to know what kinds of events and research activities students would like to see it offer. By participating, students will play a direct role in shaping opportunities for themselves and future students. The link for registration is https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/8096463 .

It will be holding a series of small focus groups next week. Students do not need to be declared humanities majors or minors to participate in a focus group. So long as they’re interested in the humanities—books, TV and film, history, culture, philosophy, politics, religion, arts, theatre, and similar topics—we want to hear from them.

If the focus groups fill before an interested student can register, IPRH will also be sending out a follow-up survey they can complete.

Focus group dates:

  • Wednesday, April 22nd, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
  • Thursday, April 23rd, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
  • Thursday, April 23rd, 6:30 – 7:30 PM

The day prior to their focus group, students will receive a link and password to the Zoom meeting for their group.

LAS 199: Professional Development Seminar
If you are doing an internship or part-time job, or volunteering somewhere and want to earn credit, you can register for this course. You will earn 1 credit hour. If you are interested, you can contact Brian Neighbors to enroll.

LAS 289: Internship Experience
International students conducting a summer internship and needing a course to connect to the CPT application can enroll in LAS 289. This 0 credit hour course is approved for reduced summer tuition. For questions and information on enrollment, contact Brian Neighbors.

Weekly Tech Tidbit
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the university has listed special software offerings accessible to students, such as temporary free or discounted access to applications. The currently available software includes Adobe Creative Cloud for Students, MATLAB, SAS, Simulink, and more. Read through the list compiled by Technology Services in order to access these programs.

Virtual Leadership Training:

The Illinois Leadership Center (https://leadership.illinois.edu/onlinetraining ) is offering leadership training online. These programs are built with learning outcomes focused on addressing the competencies from the Illinois Model of Leadership. As you practice social distancing to help end this pandemic, take advantage of this time to enhance your leadership skills.

Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders 

The Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders offers academic scholarship to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who will complete an unpaid internship with a public service agency or not-for profit organization. Awards are $1,000 for a part-time internship or $2,500 for a full-time internship and are given directly to the student. All undergraduate students regardless of academic program or citizenship status are encouraged to apply. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Summer 2020/Fall 2020 Extended Deadline: April 30 (For internships that occur between May 16, 2020- December 31, 2020)

SILMW Language Program:

The Summer Institute for Languages of the Muslim World (SILMW) will be offering classes on five languages—Arabic, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, and Wolof—this summer.  The institute will be held from June 15 to August 8, 2020.  The program is 8 weeks and is divided into two, 4-week semesters. The institute will be offered in an online format, consisting of activities such as language practice, conversation tables, movie nights, and more. When you complete the program, not only will you be able to hold a conversation in a new language and have earned up to 10 credits, you will have had fun!

For more information, click here . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact at silmw@illinois.edu.