HOPE Scholarship
The HOPE scholarship is designed to help students who are unable to apply for federal financial aid. The scholarship also includes an emergency fund for international students who have faced financial barriers to their education due to unforeseen circumstances. The aim of this scholarship is to equip students with the resources to pursue a higher education at Illinois. Each scholarship recipient may be awarded up to $10,000 in aid. The inaugural year for this scholarship’s application period is currently open and closes Friday, May 1st.
The application can be found here . For questions, contact Arnoldo Ayala (arnoldo2@illinois.edu)
Active Minds UIUC
Active Minds is a national mental wellness organization with a branch here at UIUC. Active Minds UIUC’s mission is to improve student wellbeing on campus by addressing mental health. Its main goals are to change the conversation around mental health and advocate for student mental health needs. Currently it is conducting a survey to understand what mental health resources are most beneficial to the student body, and whether there is a need for improvements to those resources. Students are asked to participate in the survey at bit.ly/activemindssurvey. For more information you can visit Active Minds National https://www.activeminds.org/ and Active Minds UIUC https://www.facebook.com/ActiveMindsUIUC/ .
Janelle Joseph Prize for Environmental Writing:
If you are a writer interested in the environment, this is a good chance to win a cash prize by submitting your best work. You will also have the opportunity to have your work published in Q Magazine.
Grand Prize: $1,000 + publication in Q Magazine
Category Prizes: $500 + publication in Q Magazine
You can submit your paper to the following categories:
- Op-ed: Your research-backed take on a current environmental issue
- Q&A: Interview an environmental researcher or activist
- Memoir: Write about an experience that you had with nature, and what it meant to you
- Feature: In-depth, research-based piece on a topic of your choice
The writing competition is open to all Illinois undergraduates. The writing should be 1,000 to 2,000 words long. Entries are accepted July 1 through September 30, 2020. Email submissions and any questions to qmagazineillinois@gmail.com
2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS):
The 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) is going virtual! Over 350 students will present their work in an asynchronous format, with the opportunity for viewers to engage in conversation with the presenters through a forum. It will be a multi-day event, running from Monday, April 27 through Friday, May 1. The symposium will kick off on the 27th at noon (CDT) with live (Zoom) featured student presentations. [Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96284074411?pwd=L0ZiV1BaOFZiTDFDckt2T0pKdmxzQT09; Meeting ID: 962 8407 4411; Password: URS2020]. You are invited to drop in, engage with them, and be inspired by their innovation and ingenuity.
Directions for accessing the Symposium are below, but if you have comments or concerns (including problems with access), you can email at ugresearch@illinois.edu.
Accessing the 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium:
The Symposium is available only for those with a University of Illinois NetID. Campus community members wishing to view the Symposium will first need to enroll to view student presentations and interact with our presenters.
- Log into Compass2g.
- Go to: https://go.illinois.edu/URS_enroll and click the “down arrow” next to “provost_pvcaa_open_189752” and select “enroll”. On the next page, hit “submit” and you will be enrolled.
- You should now be able to view the Symposium at: https://go.illinois.edu/URS2020