Weekly Round-Up

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Join Us for ESC:

If you are interested in reading, writing, leadership positions, and more, join the ESC’s weekly meetings.

When: Every Tuesday 7:00-7:30 p.m CST

Zoom Meeting ID: 7763187140

Contact: ssadler3@illinois.edu

sigma tau delta panel on feminist approaches to horror:

This panel has been accepted for the Sigma Tau Delta annual convention.  Members are holding a dress rehearsal Wednesday, March 10 at 6 pm via Zoom and invite you to attend.

Zoom ID: 876 3307 3789

Password: sigma

The first half of the panel runs about 25 minutes, pre-recorded, to be followed by live questions and discussion with the Zoom audience.  Please show up to support and encourage your fellow English department students!

To learn more about the Illinois chapter of English honors society Sigma Tau Delta, send a request to sigmataudeltaillinois@gmail.com.

English Department Undergraduate Scholarships:

The deadline for the first round of applications (stage 1 applications) for this year’s undergrad (English and Creative Writing majors) scholarship competition is March 19.  For more information, visit  https://english.illinois.edu/academics/scholarships-prizes-awards/awards-scholarships.

Diversity & Inclusion Networking Exchange (D.I.N.E):

The Diversity & Inclusion Networking Exchange (D.I.N.E) 2021 will be held via ZOOM on Monday, March 22, 6 – 7:30 p.m. CST.

See the image and event information below:


Tuesday @ 7:

Led by Counseling Center Paraprofessionals, Tuesday @ 7 workshops focus on topics that are often growth areas for students. All students are welcome.

To attend a Tuesday @ 7 workshop, please use Zoom ID 844 1537 2453 (Password: tue7).

For the upcoming workshops see the following flyer: