Category Archives: web 2.0

Farewell…until 2013

The toughest thing about having an awesome assistantship with #teamawesome is that it is, well, an assistantship and you have classes as well as work. Hence, we’ve been a little absent. We’ll be back though! We’ve spent the past few weeks thinking up new workshops, tutorials, and blog posts for next semester. Here’s some of read more »

What’s the deal with Facebook Timeline?

For those few who aren’t aware, Facebook recently introduced a whole new way of looking at people’s profiles, aptly called “timeline.” Now, people complaining about changes Facebook makes is nothing new, but it seems to me that the reactions for this change have been even more negative than normal. Let me start by talking a read more »

Is Social Bookmarking Site Delicious Shutting Down?

According to the Delicious Blog, the social bookmarking service is not shutting down but looking for a new home “outside of the company where it can be resourced to the level where it can be competitive.”  There has been a lot of chatter about what users should do with their delicious bookmarks as well as read more »

Word of the Week

Fail Whale: On the Twitter site, the Fail Whale is an image of a whale held up by birds and nets. This image shows that Twitter has been overloaded or failed. Definition from webopedia.

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originally posted by #mattbeth