Monthly Archives: July 2009

Website of the Week

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day! Thank you for all your hard work!


Announced on the World Wide Web Consortium’s website at the beginning of July, the working group for XHTML 2 is scheduled to stop working on the project by the end of 2009. Resources be used to focus more on HTML 5. They also have a FAQ section up on the topic. Firefox 3.5 is set read more »

Word of the Week

Chrome (or browser chrome – not to be confused with Google’s browser, Chrome) refers to the screen real-estate consumed by a computer’s operating system and browser components (menu bars, scroll bars, add-ons, etc.). When combined with the canvas, or the amount of space that is actually available to display a web-page, the full screen is read more »

ALA on Twitter and Flickr

ALA still goes on, but GSLIS IT (Help Desk and ITD) are in Champaign Urbana to keep the show running and prepare for the upcoming LEEP Boot Camp! Several of us did make it (and some are probably at McCormick Place as I type this entry up) and got to meet the likes of Neil read more »

Website of the Week

This week’s website is my good friend Lauren’s post about her trip to the Open Video Conference in New York City. Lauren’s not a librarian, but as someone who works with digital media, she has similar interests, and so sums up rather well why LIS professionals should be interested in open video: “Video currently lags read more »

Now that’s advertising

Just thought I would share this news article from Johnson County Library has found a creative way to do publicity for the library. Check out the new courier trucks on Flickr.

Website of the Week

Though many have heard of it already whether they are interested in starting an account or not, some might still be confused about this week’s Website of the Week. It’s been in the news recently. Astronauts use it. Restaurants use it. Help Desk is on it! Are you wondering what everyone’s tweeting about these days, read more »