Meet the Staff: Fall 2014 Edition – Kate!

Good morning! Today’s edition of Meet the Staff features the lovely tech guru, Kate Rojas, who hails from the great state of Pennsylvania! Kate is interested in a variety of topics within GSLIS, but specifically focused on K-12 Librarianship, Community Informatics, and Youth Services. She is concentrating on getting her specialization certificate, which you can read about here (, while also working as a Help Desk Graduate Assistant and a LEEP Teaching Assistant.

Her favorite items to borrow from the Help Desk are the fun hats that have been collected throughout the years, and she notes that, “I used to make a conscious effect to wear every single one but have been failing to do so as of late. Please feel free to remind me of this priority if you see me!” Kate recently took LIS 409, which is Storytelling, and had a blast. She highly recommends it!

If Kate were stranded on a desert island, she would bring the following items with her:

1. Fuzzy blankets
2. My Android phone
3. Video games (probably my Nintendo DS)

That last one corresponds with something very unique about Kate—she loves technology more than she loves books (although she sometimes wonders, “Is that bad for a aspiring librarian?”) She is also very interested in researching the educational benefits of video games.

Come say hello the next you’re around the Help Desk, which is located on the second floor of GSLIS near the lounge/kitchen, to check out what great hat Kate is wearing or to chat about her experiences in Youth Librarianship or video games! Stay tuned next week for more details about our next Meet the Staff blurb, and as always, stop by the Help Desk from 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday, for any support you may need with technology, classes, getting to the know the campus, and more!

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