Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Interventions in the Workforce


Every year, thousands of students graduate and enter full time jobs in the workforce excited to begin their careers. Many don’t know about the extremely high stress that many employees experience while facing the high expectations and tight deadlines in their profession. After years of work and stresses from life wearing on their mental health, many people become vulnerable to drug and alcohol abuse. One studied also showed that 8.7 percent of full-time adult workers aged 16 to 64 used alchol heavily in one month, 8.6 percent used illegal drugs, and 9.5 were dependent on one or both of the substances during the year. A high percentage of the wealthy population also turn to drugs to fit in a group, find a thrill from a boring lifestyle, or having no other facets to spend money in. However, there are many holistic methods to combat these addictions and rehab centers that provide intervention programs of the highest quality.

Wealth and Addiction

Since much of the wealthy have a lot of spending money and ultimately experience unwarranted financial freedom and almost unlimited spending, it’s easy to fall into a vicious cycle of purchasing drugs out of spontaneity and wanting to fit in. Most of society doesn’t realize that when having money is a given with your family’s name, it becomes difficult to find your own personal passions and discover genuine friends who don’t only value your wealth. These stress causing factors lead to low self-esteem, boredom, and even loneliness which all spark the fire of substance abuse with alchohol and drugs like cocaine, heroine, marijuana, or prescription pills. Drug addiction is a long term disease and no one no matter who much money they have are immune to recovering without admitting their problem and seeking trained help.

A Profession’s Impact on Abuse

Many workers are unexpectedly turning to drugs on the daily to deal with their stress and anxiety. Individuals in professions like advertising, musicians, general laborers, cooks, painters, and bartenders are 1.45 to 2.33 times more likely to die to substance abuse than the general population. An estimated 10 percent of health care professionals also abuse drugs with sectors ranging from emergency room surgeons to anesthesiologists. A whopping 44 percent of lawyers reported alcoholism addiction and suffered from a range of mental diseases like depression and extreme stress. It’s no wonder that the number of drug related injuries and fatalities are climbing year after year.

Holistic Methods to Drug and Alcohol Recovery

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulty with a drug or alchohol addiction, taking measures to recognize that it is a problem is the first step. The Dunes at East Hampton provides a free online assessment with questions you can ask yourself to determine if abuse is prevalent in your life. They serve as a simple rule of measure for an introspective conversation about your sense of control, overall health, and career performance. The Dunes also provides a peaceful rehab program at a luxurious environment where patients can break away from their stress and reliance on addictive substances. It’s based at a beautiful Hamptons estate with fine dining for the body to absorb healthy vitamins and minerals, physical therapies like yoga, reiki, and acupuncture, and in class counseling that helps patients brainstorm methods to combat their addiction based on their personal lifestyle. You’ll also be surrounded by a dedicated team of health professionals who are passionate about placing your needs first. They work around the clock to make sure your questions are answered and your anxieties are taken away as they provide you the tools to become healthy again.

The ultimate take-away

If you feel that you have an abuse problem and are eager to regain control of where your life is going, there’s no time to waste by being idle. Start being proactive in the present and pursue holistic recovery through body and mind therapies to bring your health to its peak. The best part is that by joining a rehab program that fits your needs and schedule, you won’t have to sacrifice doing the things you love. So take the leap to be on the road to recovery, you won’t regret it!



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