Thousands struggle with substance abuse to deal with their everyday stress and life issues. A lot of times they become addicted to numbing difficult emotions and becoming tolerant to its effect over a long period of time. Some may come to think that alchohol and drugs assist them with riding the wave of their emotions throughout the day, but scientists have recorded consistently that it actually decreases your body’s ability to process anxiety, depression, anger, and even sleep and digestion as far as everyday functions. While using these substances bring harsh consequences to a person’s health, anyone heavily relying on their addition will seek out reasons to justify their unhealthy habits and deny the reality of how serious their condition is. It’s critical to ask your family for help and enter a rehabilitation program together to get the help you need. Only once both parties are faithfully committed to overcoming the problem can the long road to recovery truly begin.
How to Detect a Substance Abuse Problem
Any individual struggling with a substance abuse problem might show signs of heavy usage. Make sure to watch out for them if you suspect you or someone you know has a problem, since the first step to beginning rehab is actually admitting that the addiction exists. Some key things to watch for is if the person is perhaps prescribed to a drug and taking larger doses than usual, medication not prescribed to them, building up a tolerance to the size of dosage each time, and searching through medical stashes within their or other people’s home. To detect signs from an addiction to other drugs or alchohol, make sure to look out for a person looking dramatically different in their physical appearance, expressing a change in their body language or personality, sleeping much less or more, behaving more secretive with their activities and exchanges with others, and avoiding inquires about where they are spending their money. If you suspect that any of these changes many apply to you or someone you now, take the leap to pursue a professional drug rehabilitation program in your area for guidance as soon as possible.
A Family’s Impact on an Addict
Anyone who is a family member of someone struggling with an addiction problem plays a huge factor on whether or not their will successfully overcome their problem as they share the same ideals, exchanges, and environment. If an addict is one who is particularly stubborn, often their family will fall into the cycle of feeling guilt and enable their bad behavior. Likewise, anyone codependent on the addict will feel the same amount of stress about their abuse, upset that their help isn’t being effective, and unappreciated from changing their routine to complement that of the addict. It is important to steer away from those patterns, and get the proper education about having a successful intervention with an addict by visiting a professional. Together, both the addict and the family can brainstorm methods to combat the issue with an action plan and changes to be made within the household.
The Takeaway of an Intervention
Seeking a professional interventionist is important since they understand that communicating with anyone who has a substance abuse problem can be difficult without proper guidance and moral support. The majority of families push towards trying to fix the addict, but counselors push for the family system to be completely united to hold their loved one accountable and limit their substance use. If you are having trouble with a drug or alcohol addiction or is their family member and needs help, find a local drug and alcohol to receive tools you need. If you feel unsure of whether an intervention is even relevant, check out Family First Intervention. The program is run by a former addict who realized that he was able to recover from his problem because his family was armed with an action plan. They are unique to industry as they treat each client on a case by case basis, and shift through all treatment centers until the best fit is found for their needs based on the family’s characteristics. Seek a better level of an intervention and make sure to try their services, you surely won’t regret it.