Week 6

Our assignment was to come up with an elevator pitch for a new iphone app or product that would appeal to designers. Then, a few students in our class pitched their ideas to the class in small groups in the elevator in our building! The activity was enjoyable and a great way to hear about the new ideas of our peers and get out of the classroom for a while.


Have you wanted the ability to walk this Summer, while you share this Experience with another ? Your time, your place, your choice of compatibility? Well then, check out ET Pouch, a t-shirt to carry your Kindle, or iPad with you, and listen as you walk together. Visit our blog at ___________.com We donate 10% of our profits to the American Heart Association. Imagine if there was a way to manage all aspects of your projects in one place. A single place to coordinate your communications, your schedules, your workflows, your finances, and even your marketing. A unified tool to coordinate everything your design business has done and will do. File Share Satellite accomplishes this. I can log in at my favorite Latte stop, and actually watch as Individuals working for me do their separate tasks! There is even a time/cost app, where you can Judge how much work was done, and what you’re paying for that work.” – PS

Have you ever been to a museum and wondered more about the art than what was provided on those tiny little description cards. What if I wanted to know more than what type of media was used? By creating an online database with thousands of artists, complete with an archive of their complete work ranging from sculpture to paintings, users of this app would be able to search and view other pieces of art done by that author and similar authors. By taking a photo of the picture, the app would identify the picture and bring up a list of other pieces of art done by that artists.” – RS

Imagine if all the architecture students in a studio had a networking site where they could post their projects and ideas. The network would be a place where students could document their work, upload assignments, stay in touch, and organize events, competitions, and surveys. Professors and students in the school of architecture (or even all of FAA) could learn from one another by browsing each other’s current and past projects to get inspired and learn from all the different studios.” – CR