Week 4

We were asked to complete the Edison Innovation Literacy Blueprint and describe how accurate we believed the results to be. Additionally, we provided feedback as to what could make the test more accurate and effective.


Serpico_Assignment 4



The majority of the Innovation Literacy blueprints that I completed yielded excellent results. This series of exercise proved to be interesting and allowed a degree of self‐reflection, although I still question their accuracy and validity. While quantifying and measuring something as elusive and abstract as “innovation” is a very challenging task to begin with, I have serious doubts that it can be done through something as simple as these questionnaires. The realities of innovation are far more than they are made out to be here. That said‐ it was still an interesting glimpse at several of my competencies and areas for improvement.” – AO

After taking all the competency quizzes, it is easy to tell which category I lack in. My lowest is clearly “Solution-Centered Mindset”. When it comes to being creative or engaged in speaking, I find myself to be quite competent. However, when it comes to setting goals and finding ways to achieve those goals over time, I find myself lacking. It is not that I can not achieve goals or that I do no want to, it is mostly with the subcategories within that competency that keep me a bit lower than the other categories. When looking at the idea of being an entrepreneur, I already knew that having a solution-centered mindset is extremely important. The question is do I have that mindset, or a high enough mindset to really go through with becoming an entrepreneur.” – OP