Week 5

Think of an example where internet social networking has enhanced an existing business. Then propose a new business idea for designers or design consumers based on the concept of social networking by thinking of a unique network of people with a common interest that could be accessed and motivated somehow using the internet. What would be the sources of revenue?


There is a new gallery space located downtown Urbana where a student led furniture exhibition took place for Professor Poss’ furniture seminar. This gallery space is not very well known in the area yet – but could be a great location for local artists to display their work and come together as a collective. This gallery could promote their space on facebook and tap into the facebook groups that exist for Urbana artists, University fine and applied arts departments, and other local area groups. The gallery could generate interest and gain followers and promote various events and showcases. Galleries tend to make money through donations and commissions on art that is sold in their spaces.” – EH

An example of where internet social networking has enhanced an existing business is corrientelatina.com. What they did was started to use Facebook for contests to give away tickets for movie screening. For the contest you had to like their page and make a comment under certain post and register on their website. More and more people started to participate which helped grow their business and allowed them to do more movie screening and at bigger Chicago theaters.

This also helped the business overall bringing more attention to Latin music and entertainment, which was what the business was started as. This concept can be used for a new business idea by using movie screenings or other events to grab people’s attention in order to promote a business. As more people register they will come across the website more, which can bring potential business and interest. So by using Facebook to help promote your company and holding contest to see new movie screenings you can get more traffic on your website. So what corrientelatina is doing for Latin Music and entertainment can be done for architecture firms, art and any other type of design business.” – CR