Catherine Wolfram is on leave from UC Berkeley serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Climate and Energy Economics at the US Treasury. Wolfram has published extensively on the economics of energy markets. Her work has analyzed rural electrification programs in the developing world, energy efficiency programs in the US, the effects of environmental regulation on energy markets and the impact of privatization and restructuring in the US and UK. She is currently implementing several randomized controlled trials to evaluate energy programs in the U.S., Ghana, and Kenya.
Alejandro Plastina is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and an Extension economist at Iowa State University. His area of specialization is agricultural production and technology, with an emphasis on farm business and financial management. Prior to joining Iowa State University in 2014, Dr. Plastina was a senior economist at the International Cotton Advisory Committee in Washington, DC.
Mar Reguant (Ph.D. MIT) is an Associate Professor in Economics at Northwestern University and Research Fellow at the Barcelona School of Economics. Her research uses high-frequency data to study the impact of auction design and environmental regulation on electricity markets and energy-intensive industries. She was awarded an NSF CAREER grant in 2015, and the Sabadell Prize for Economic Research in 2017.
Christopher Knittel is the George P. Shultz Professor of Energy Economics and a Professor of Applied Economics in the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He directs the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR) at MIT and the Deputy Director for Policy of the MIT Energy Initiative, the hub for energy research at MIT. Finally, along with Meredith Fowlie at UC Berkeley, he co-directs the Environmental and Energy Economics Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Knittel’s research studies consumer and firm decision-making and what this means for the benefits and costs of environmental and energy policy.