2018 Agenda
9:00 – 9:45 Registration and check in at Illini Union
9:45 – 11:25 First session: Wildlife and Valuation (Moderator: Kathy Baylis)
“Lotteries, timing, and bears, oh my! A dynamic choice model for lottery-rationed goods”
Carson Reeling* (Purdue University), Valentin Verdier (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill), and Frank Lupi, (Michigan State University)
“Spatial and temporal substitution patterns of recreational hunting activities in Alberta, Canada”
Lusi Xie* and Vic Adamowicz (University of Alberta); Patrick Lloyd-Smith (University of Saskatchewan)
“The direct costs of living in proximity of wildlife reserves in India: Theory and evidence”
Sumeet Gulati* and Frederik Noack (University of British Columbia); Krithi Karanth (Centre for Wildlife Studies, India)
“Low snowpack and wildfires: A double-edged sword for the welfare of hikers”
Sonja Kolstoe* (Salisbury University)
11:30 – 1:00 Luncheon and keynote talk: “Small steps with big data: Using machine learning in resource economics”
Matt Harding (University of California – Irvine)
1:00 – 1:20 Break: coffee/tea
1:20 – 3:00 Second session: Environmental Regulation (Moderator: Madhu Khanna)
“Pigou creates losers: On the implausibility of achieving Pareto improvements from Pigouvian taxation”
James Sallee* (University of California at Berkeley)
“Valuing science policy: Dynamic decisionmaking with general Bayesian learning”
Ivan Rudik* (Cornell University); Maxwell Rosenthal and Derek Lemoine (University of Arizona)
“The effect of vehicle ownership restrictions on female labor supply”
Antung Anthony Liu* (Indiana University); Josh Linn (RFF and University of Maryland); Ping Qin (Renmin University of China); and Jun Yang (Beijing Transportation Research Center and Beijing Jiaotong University)
“Environmental regulation and firm productivity in China: Estimates from a regression discontinuity design”
Shaoda Wang* (University of California at Berkeley), Guojun He (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), and Bing Zhang (Nanjing University)
3:00 – 3:20 Break: coffee/tea
3:20 – 5:00 Third session: Studies of Water and of Pollutants (Moderator: Don Fullerton)
“Water affordability in the United States”
Casey Wichman* (Resources for the Future) and Diego Cardoso (Cornell University)
“What is the value of conformity? Evidence from home landscaping and water conservation”
Nathan Chan* (University of Massachusetts – Amherst) and Jesse Burkhardt (Colorado State University)
“When NASCAR comes to town: health impacts of acute lead exposure”
Alex Hollingsworth* (Indiana University) and Ivan Rudik (Cornell University)
“Pollution and the intergenerational transmission of human capital”
Jonathan Colmer* (University of Virginia) and John Voorheis (U.S. Census Bureau)
5:00 – 6:00 Reception with Poster Displays Attended
Sunday, September 30:
8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 – 10:10 Fourth session: Climate and Disasters (Moderator: Erica Myers)
“Does when you die depend on where you live? Evidence from Hurricane Katrina”
David Molitor* and Tatyana Deryugina (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
“Earthquakes and economic growth”
Stephanie Lackner* (Princeton University)
“Weather fluctuations, expectation formation, and short-run behavioral responses to climate change”
Xinde Ji* and Kelly M. Cobourn (Virginia Tech)
“Short- and long-run adaptation of consumption to weather and climate”
Brigitte Roth Tran* (Federal Reserve)
10:10 – 10:30 Break: coffee/tea
10:30 – 11:50 Fifth session: Short Talks (Moderator: Peter Christensen)
“Climate change policy and local air quality: How greenhouse gas regulation impacts the distribution of local air pollutants”
Paige Weber* (Yale University)
“Climate agreements with asymmetric countries: Theory and experimental results”
Charles Mason* (University of Wyoming), Luca Taschini (London School of Economics), and Neil Wilmot (University of Minnesota-Duluth)
“The effect of electricity price changes on manufacturing investment”
Sarah Johnston* (University of Wisconsin)
“Does toxic release information worsen environmental injustice?”
Xiao Wang,* George Deltas, and Madhu Khanna, (University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign); Xiang Bi (University of Florida)
“Valuing Natural Capital Stocks with Stochastic Dynamics”
Seong Yun* (Mississippi State U.), Joshua K. Abbott (Arizona State University), and Eli Fenichel (Yale University)
“Defensive Investment in Municipal Water Hardness Reduction”
Naima Farah* and Gregory Torell (Texas A&M University)
12:00 – 1:30 Luncheon and panel discussion: “Big data and environmental economics”
Fiona Burlig (U Chicago); Jacob LaRiviere (Microsoft); Adam Storeygard (Tufts U.)
1:30 – 1:40 Break: coffee/tea
1:40 – 3:20 Sixth session: Energy (Moderator: Tatyana Deryugina)
“Measuring inefficiencies when agents break their principals’ rules: The case of energy efficiency retrofits”
Joshua Blonz* (Resources for the Future)
“Motivation, signaling and peer effects: Evidence from rooftop solar and household green power purchases.”
Andrea La Nauze* (University of Pittsburgh) and Leslie Martin (University of Melbourne)
Re-Lighting Detroit’s streets: Impacts on energy use, crime, and property values
Anna Terkelsen,* Soren T. Anderson, Prabhat Barnwal, Dylan Brewer, Joe Herriges, Alex Tybl, and Asa Watten (Michigan State University)
Costs of inefficient regulation: Evidence from the Bakken
Gabriel Lade* (Iowa State University) and Ivan Rudik (Cornell)
Selected Posters on Display at Heartland 2018
Non-market Valuation:
Estimating welfare from improved water quality without adequate water quality data
Caroline Kelsoe* and Matt Interis (Mississippi State University)
Agricultural adaptation to climate change: Implications for fertilizer use and water quality
Jayash Paudel* and Christine L. Crago (University of Massachusetts – Amherst)
Controlling for attribute non-attendance in choice experiment analysis: A case study on preferences for REDD+ in Ethiopia
Adam Rovang,* Sahan Dissanayake, and Randall Bluffstone (Portland State University)
Land market valuation of groundwater
Gabriel Sampson,* Nathan Hendricks, and Mykel Taylor (Kansas State University)
Inferred valuation as a tool to alleviate social desirability bias. The influence of individual-specific factors
Roxana Zambrano,* Peter Boxall, and Wiktor Adamowicz (University of Alberta)
Agriculture and the Environment:
Market power and spatial price discrimination in agricultural procurement markets: Evidence from the corn ethanol industry in Indiana
Jinho Jung,* Juan P. Sesmero, and Ralph Siebert (Purdue University)
The influence of Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) on local water quality: Evidence from monitoring station level data
Pengfei Liu* (University of Arkansas), Yu Wang (China Agricultural University), and Wei Zhang (Connecticut College)
Reducing hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico: Coordination, efficiency, and equity
Chi L. Ta* (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Determinants of households’ adoption of organic pesticides: Evidence from Columbia, Missouri
Lan Tran* and Laura McCann (University of Missouri – Columbia); Dong Won Shin (Korea Environment Institute)
The impacts of a Chinese nationwide fertilizer education program: A difference-in-difference approach
Wendong Zhang* and Minghao Li (Iowa State University); Pingping Wang (China Agricultural University)
Land and Conservation:
Land rights, agricultural productivity, and deforestation in Vietnam
Conor Carney* (Brattle Group) and Ryan Abman (San Diego State)
The effects of property allocations, generations later: Railroad grants, mineral rights severance, and oil and gas leasing in Colorado
Richard DiSalvo,* Andrew Boslett, and Elaine Hill (University of Rochester)
Generating carbon supply curves for avoided deforestation: An example from community forestry in Nepal
Sahan Dissanayake* and Randall Bluffstone (Portland State University); Eswaran Somanathan (Indian Statistical Institute)
Land ownership and irrigation on American Indian reservations: A regression discontinuity approach
Muyang Ge* and Sherzon Akhundjanov (Utah State University); Eric C. Edwards (North Carolina State University)
On the substitution and complementarity of natural and physical capital: The case of Panama Canal expansion
Mani Rouhi Rad* (Colorado State University), Vic Adamowicz (University of Alberta), Alicia Entem (STRI), and Eli Fenichel (Yale University)
“Determinants and implications of global protected area effectiveness”
Payal Shah* (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology), Kathy Baylis (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), and Jens Engelmann (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
“Does increasing block pricing decrease energy use? Evidence from the residential electricity market”
Becka Brolinson* (Georgetown University)
“Behavioral nudges to promote energy conservation: Evidence from a university residence hall”
Mateus Noguera Meirelles de Souza* and Erica Myers (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
“Station heterogeneity and the dynamics of retail gasoline prices”
Julia Gonzalez* and Carlos Hurtado (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
“Behavioral responses to spatial tax notches: Evidence from retail gasoline price”
Carlos Hurtado (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
“Carbon tax and electricity generation: Estimating new capacity”
Alexey Yukhov* (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee) and Laura Grant (Claremont McKenna College)