2011 Abstracts and Presentations

Keynote talk: “Water’s Four Horsemen; Nutrients, Hypoxia, Climate Change and Us”

Otto Doering (Purdue U.)

First session: Environmental Issues in Fields and Yards

Land use consequences of crop insurance subsidies
Ruiqing Miao,* David Hennessy, and Hongli Feng (Iowa State) Abstract

The impact of ad-hoc disaster programs on the use of conservation practices
Karina Schoengold* (U. of Nebraska), Ya Ding (UESTC, China), and Russell Headlee (U. of Nebraska) Abstract

Farmers’ preferences for the design of carbon offset programs and willingness-to-change tillage practices
Benjamin Gramig* (Purdue U.) Abstract

Green with lawn envy: Spatial variation of water demand in Kelowna, British Columbia
Johannus Janmaat* (U. of British Columbia – Okanagan) Abstract

Second session: Corporations, Industries, and the Environment

OPEC: Market failure or power failure?
Robert Cairns* and Enrique Calfucura (McGill U.) Abstract

Hitting the violators where it hurts? Stock market reaction to USEPA press releases
Elisabeth Newcomb Sinha* (U. of MD), Lucija Muehlenbachs (RFF), and Nitish R. Sinha (UI – Chicago) Abstract

Corporate incentives and nuclear safety
Catie Hausman* (UC Berkeley)  Abstract

Innovation under the Climate Wise program
Keith Brouhle* (Grinnell), Brad Graham (Grinnell), and Donna Ramirez Harrington (U. of Vermont) Abstract

Third session: Climate Change Economics and Policy

Economic impacts of climate variability and climate change: Evidence from a quasi-experiment with Great Lakes levels
Hsing-Hsiang Huang* and Michael Moore (U. of Michigan) Abstract

Crop choices in the United States: Land quality, climate, and cultivar characteristics
Soren Anderson*(Michigan State and NBER), Chenguang Wang, and Jinhua Zhao (Michigan State)

On climate jumps and fat tails
Charles Mason* (U. of Wyoming) and Neil Wilmot (U. of Minnesota – Duluth) Abstract

Did high gas prices cause the housing crisis that caused the Great Recession? Theory and empirical evidence
David Zilberman (UC Berkeley), JunJie Wu (Oregon State), and Steven Sexton* (UC Berkeley) Abstract

Fourth session: Short papers

Household fuel use and negative externalities in rural Bolivia
Debra Israel* (Indiana State – Terra Haute) Abstract

Evaluating the impact of protected areas on ecosystem services in Indonesia: In search of spatial complementaries
Daniela Miteva*, Brian Murray, and Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke U.) Abstract

State parks as public goods: Public funding or user fees?
Brian Vander Naald* and Trudy Ann Cameron (U. of Oregon) Abstract

Social networks and non-market valuations
Bruno Wichmann* (U. of Tennessee) Abstract

Would emissions taxes smooth state government revenues over the business cycle?
Michael Madowitz* (UC San Diego)  Abstract

Information disclosure and strategic behaviors: Analysis from Mexican gas stations
Andrea Martens*, Barrett Kirwan*, and Xian Liu (U. of Illinois) Abstract

Luncheon and panel discussion
“Corporate Environmental Strategies in Developing and Transition Economies”
Dietrich Earnhart (U. of Kansas)
Madhu Khanna (U. of Illinois)
Thomas Lyon (U. of Michigan)

Fifth session: Development and Conservation

Does open space conservation increase neighboring development?
Kate Zipp* (U. of Wisconsin), David Lewis (U. of Puget Sound), and Bill Provencher (U. of Wisconsin)  Abstract

Time is money: An empirical examination of the dynamic effects of uncertainty on residential subdivision development
Doug Wrenn* and Elena Irwin (Ohio State) Abstract

Decentralization and governance given environment-development tradeoffs
Alex Pfaff* (Duke U.), Juan Robalino (EfD Initiative/CATIE), and Diego Herrera (Duke U.)   Abstract

Causal mechanisms of protected area impacts
Merlin Hanauer* (Sonoma State) and Paul Ferraro (Georgia State)  Abstract

Sixth session: Advances in Nonmarket Valuation

Incorporating dynamic behavior into the hedonic model
Kelly Bishop* and Alvin Murphy (Washington U.) Abstract

Partial identification of hedonic demand functions
Congwen Zhang* (Virginia Tech.), Nicolai Kuminoff (Arizona State), and Kevin Boyle (Virginia Tech.) Abstract

Evaluating mitigation techniques for hypothetical bias in choice experiments
Craig Broadbent* (IL-Wesleyan U.)  Abstract


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