2013 Abstracts and Presentations

AGENDA 2013 (Presenters indicated with *)

Saturday November 2:

11:00-11:30     Registration and check in at IHotel (Lincoln Room and Alma Mater Room)


11:30 – 1:00    Opening remarks, Evan DeLucia (Director, Center for a Sustainable Environment)
Luncheon and keynote talk: “Microfoundations of Global Climate Change Policies: Lab and Field Evidence”
Timo Goeschl (University of Heidelberg)


1:20 – 3:00      First session: Agriculture, Climate, and the Environment

“From Farmer Management Decisions to Watershed Environmental Quality: A Spatial Economic Model of Crop and Tillage Choices”
Wendong Zhang* and Elena Irwin (Ohio State) Abstract

“Agglomeration in Agriculture: A Quasi-Experiment in the Corn Belt”
Michael McWilliams* and Michael Moore (U. of Michigan) Presentation Abstract

“The Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Agriculture – Benefits from Crop Adaptation”
Chenguang Wang,* Soren Anderson, and Jinhua Zhao (Michigan State) Presentation Abstract

“Evaluating Ecosystem Services for Reducing Groundwater Nitrate Contamination: Nitrate Attenuation in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones”
Jingjing Wang* (U. of New Mexico) Presentation Abstract


3:00 – 3:20      Break: coffee/tea


3:20 – 5:00      Second session: Conservation on Land and in Sea

“Optimal Contracts for Discouraging Deforestation with Risk Averse Agents”
Charles Mason* (U. of Wyoming) Presentation Abstract

“Property Rights, Regulatory Capture, and Exploitation of Natural Resources”
Christopher Costello (U. California – Santa Barbara) and Corbett Grainger* (U. of Wisconsin-Madison) Presentation Abstract

“Dynamic Land Use under Uncertainty and Constrained Choice”
Jordan Suter* (Colorado State), Sahan Dissanayake (Colby College), & Lynne Lewis (Bates College) Presentation Abstract

“Catch Share Program Adoption in Alaska Fisheries”
Rebecca Toseland* (U. California – Santa Barbara) Presentation Abstract


Sunday November 3:

8:00 – 8:30     Continental Breakfast with Poster Displays, IHotel

8:30 – 10:10    Third session: Energy and Environment

“Energy Load Control, Groundwater Conservation, and Climate Change”
Taro Mieno* and Nicholas Brozović (U. of Illinois) Presentation Abstract

“New Vehicle Feebates: Theory and Evidence”
Nicholas Rivers and Brandon Schaufele* (U. of Ottowa) Presentation Abstract

“Renewable Portfolio Standards: Policies for Pollution or Pride?”
Dan Werner* (U. of Maryland) Presentation Abstract

“Forecasting Supply and Demand Balance in California’ Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Market”
Severin Borenstein (U. California – Berkeley), James Bushnell* (UC-Davis), Frank Wolak (Stanford U.), and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins (U. California – Berkeley) Abstract


10:10 – 10:30  Break: coffee/tea


10:30 – 11:30  Fourth session: Short papers

“Farmers’ Switchgrass Adoption over Time under Screening Contracts in Michigan: A Combined Conceptual and Agent-Based Modeling Approach”
Haoyang Li* and Brent Ross (Michigan State) Abstract

“Renewable Energy Policies for the Electricity, Transportation, and Agricultural Sectors: Complements or Substitutes”
Anthony Oliver* and Madhu Khanna (University of Illinois) Presentation

“Regional Renewable Electricity Generation and State Renewable Portfolio Standards”
Erik P. Johnson* (Georgia Tech) Abstract

“Reducing the Cost of Ex Post Bailouts with Ex Ante Regulation: Evidence from Building Codes”
Tatyana Deryugina* (U. of Illinois) Presentation Abstract

“Learning in a Hedonic Framework: Valuing Brownfield Remediation”
Lala Ma* (Duke U.) Abstract

“Costal Morpho-Dynamics and Real Estate Markets: Is There Evidence of Residential Sorting across Communities along the Coast?”
Yun Qiu* and Sathya Gopalakrishnan (Ohio State) Abstract


11:30 – 1:00    Luncheon, panel discussion: “Emerging Challenges and Solutions for Water Quality and Supply” Catherine Kling (Iowa State), Sheila Olmstead (UT-Austin), Jeffrey Peterson (Kansas State)


1:10 – 2:50      Fifth session: The economics of natural disasters

“Hurricanes, Risk Communication, and Avoidance Behavior”
Jay Shimshack* (Tulane U.), Timothy Beatty (U. of Minnesota), and Richard Volpe (USDA ERS) Presentation Abstract

“Climate and International Migration: The Importance of the Agricultural Linkage”
Ruohong Cai* (Princeton U.), Shuaizhang Feng (Shanghai U.), Mariola Pytlikova (Danish Inst. Of Govt. Research), and Michael Oppenheimer (Princeton U.) Abstract

“Hurricane Disaster and Local Labor Markets: Evidence from County Level Quarterly Employment Analysis”
Meri Davlasheridze* (Texas A&M), Karen Fisher-Vanden (Penn. State), and Allen H. Klaiber (Ohio State) Abstract

“Managing the Endogenous Risk of Disease Outbreaks with a Non-Constant Background Hazard Rate”
Kevin Berry* (U. of Wyoming), David Finnoff (U-WY), Richard Horan (Michigan State), and Jason F. Shogren (U-WY) Abstract


2:50 – 3:10      Break: coffee/tea


3:10 – 4:50      Sixth session: Central Topics in Environmental Economics

“Certainty of Punishment vs Severity of Punishment: Deterrence and Wastewater Discharges”
Dietrich Earnhart* (U. Kansas), Lana Friesen (U. Queensland) Presentation Abstract

“Green Innovation and Green Imports: Links between Environmental Policy, Innovation, and Trade”
Claire Brunel* (Georgetown U.) Abstract

“Tax Havens and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: A Study of US Multinational Location Decisions and the Clean Air Act Amendments”
Justin Roush* (U. Tennessee)

“Additionality, Reverse Crowding Out, and Pollution Offsets”
Richard T. Woodward (Texas A&M),* Mariano Mezzatesta (FERC), and David A. Newburn (U. Maryland) Abstract


4:50 – 5:00      Wrap up and farewell