Agenda 2019

(Presenters indicated with *; Posters listed on final page)

Saturday September 28:

8:00 – 8:30      Registration and check in at Illini Union

8:30 – 9:30      First session: Short talks on conservation, agriculture, and climate
“What incentives are needed to encourage farmers to plant biodiversity-promoting prairie strips?”
Zachary Luther,* Scott M. Swinton, and Braeden Van Deynze (Michigan State University)

“Coastal wetland conservation decisions with spatially explicit land ownership configurations”
Jessica Post* (University of Wyoming)

“Conservation & employment: Evidence from the listing of the Northern Spotted Owl”
Eyal Frank* (University of Chicago)

“Best management practices and nutrient reduction: An integrated economic-hydrological model of the Lake Erie Basin”
Hongxing Liu* (Lafayette College); Wendong Zhang (Iowa State University); Elena Irwin, Jeffery Kast, Jay Martin (Ohio State University); Noel Aloysius (University of Missouri)

“The scope for climate adaptation: Evidence from irrigated agriculture in California”
Nick Hagerty* (University of California Berkeley)

“Heat and violent behavior among prisoners in Mississippi”
Nicholas Sanders* (Cornell University) and Anita Mukherjee (University of Wisconsin)

9:30 – 9:45      Break

9:45 – 11:25    Second session: Pollution

“The local consequences of federal mandates: Evidence from the Clean Water Act” Rhiannon Jerch* (Temple University)

“Equity and the environment: The role of imperfect information”
Samuel Stolper* and Catie Hausman (University of Michigan)

“Cicadas, pesticides, and health: The impact of insecticides on infant mortality and long term outcomes”
Charles Taylor* (Columbia University)

11:30 – 1:00    Luncheon and keynote talk: “The role of economics and integrated modeling for sustainability science” Elena Irwin (Ohio State University)

Audio-only version

1:00 – 1:20      Break

1:20 – 3:00      Third session: Agriculture, water, and pesticides

“The butterfly effect: Do farms do harm?”
Braeden Van Deynze,* Scott Swinton, and Leslie Reis (Michigan State University)

“Farm and landscape-level trade-offs between pest control and pollination service provision: The case of neonicotinoid insecticides”
Linghui Wu* and Shadi Attallah (University of New Hampshire)

“The groundwater constraint: Farmers’ responses to falling water tables in India”
Aaditya Dar* (Indian School of Business), Ram Fishman (Tel Aviv University), and Meha Jain (University of Michigan)

“Improving water quality through conservation on rented land”
Collin Weigel* and Paul Ferraro (Johns Hopkins University); Pranay Ranjan and Linda Prokopy (Purdue University); Seth Harden and Sheila Reddy (The Nature Conservancy)

3:00 – 3:20      Break

3:20 – 5:00      Fourth session: Marine resources and environment

“Correlated pollutants, avoidance, and local environmental policy: Analyzing California’s ocean-going vessel fuel rule”
Richard Klotz* (Colgate University) and Julia Berazneva (Middlebury College)

“Optimal siting, sizing, and enforcement of marine protected areas”
Tabare Capitan* and Heidi Jo Albers (University of Wyoming), Louis Preonas (University of Chicago), Elizabeth Robinson (University of Reading), and Roger Madrigal (CATIE, Costa Rica)

“Local economic and environmental impacts of marine reserves in rural coastal economies”
Amanda Ruth Lindsay* (Luther College) and James Sanchirico (University of California Davis)

“Hatcheries and ecological insurance”
Kevin Berry* and Matt Reimer (University of Alaska Anchorage); Rémi Morin Chassé (Université du Quebec à Chicoutimi)

5:00 – 7:00      Reception with Posters (descriptions at the end of agenda)

Sunday, September 29:

8:00 – 8:30      Breakfast

8:30 – 10:10    Fifth session: Energy, markets, and environment

“Decomposing the wedge: Mechanisms driving the gap between projected and realized returns in energy efficiency programs.”
Mateus Souza*, Peter Christensen, Paul Francisco, and Erica Myers (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

“(Why) Is there an energy efficiency gap in Kenya?”
Susanna Berkouwer* (University of California Berkeley) and Joshua Dean (University of Chicago)

“Market size and market power: Evidence from the Texas electricity market”market
Matt Woerman* (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

“On the interaction of eco-labeling and trade”
Charles Mason* (University of Wyoming)

10:10 – 10:30  Break

10:30 – 11:30  Sixth session: Short talks on public goods, energy, and transportation

“Is ignorance bliss? Information avoidance and private provision of public goods”
Klaas van’t Veld* and Jay Shogren (University of Wyoming); Yuanhao Li (Norwegian School of Economics)

“Welfare consequences of distorted electricity prices”
Fiona Burlig* (University of Chicago) and Santosh Harish (Centre for Policy Research – Delhi)

“How much value has retail electricity choice created?”
Sherry Xueting Wang* (Columbia University)

“Technological cooperation vs. technological collusion: The case of German automakers”
Cuicui Chen* (SUNY Albany), Jorge Ale Chilet (Bar-Ilan University), Jing Li (MIT Sloan)

“Valuing public transit: The proposed L-Train shutdown in Brooklyn”
Becka Brolinson* (Georgetown University)

11:30 – 1:00    Luncheon and panel discussion: “New directions for ag-environmental research”
Katrina Jessoe (University of California Davis), Frank Lupi (Michigan State University), Ariel Ortiz-Bobea (Cornell University)

Audio-only version

 1:00 – 1:20      Break

1:20 – 3:00      Seventh session: Finding values

“Price perception and willingness to vote for public goods”
Corey Lang* and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz (University of Rhode Island); Casey Wichman (University of Chicago)

“U.S. Anglers’ WTP for nutrient reduction and water quality: A spatially integrated economic-ecological model of Lake Erie”
Wendong Zhang* (Iowa State University); Hocheol Jeon, (Korea Environmental Institute); Yilan Xu, Brent Sohngen, and Stuart A. Ludsin, (Ohio State University)

“Using migration flows to infer nonmarket amenity value”
Adam Theising* and Dan Phaneuf (University of Wisconsin)

“The value of renewables: Observational and experimental evidence from the United States”
Marten Ovaere* and Ken Gillingham (Yale University)

Selected Posters on Display at Heartland 2019

“The value of water quality to recreational anglers”
Michael Black* and Richard Woodward (Texas A&M University)

“Size-based regulations and environmental quality: Evidence from the U.S. livestock industry”
Chen-Ti Chen* (Iowa State University), Gabriel E. Lade (Macalester College), John M. Crespi (Iowa State University) and David A. Keiser (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)

“Wind energy and agricultural production: Evidence from farm-level data”
Tengjiao Chen* (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

“Do smart technologies deliver?  Smart thermostats and energy conservation”
Christopher Clapp*, Alec Brandon and John A. List (University of Chicago); Robert Metcalfe (Boston University); Michael Price (University of Alabama)

“Regulation and fossil fuel retirements”
Cameron Duff* (University of Colorado, Boulder)

“The effect of urban tree canopy on housing price and gentrification”
Liqing Li* (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

“Integrated assessment modeling for design of riparian buffer systems and incentives for adoption”
Xiaogu Li*, Katherine Y. Zipp, James S. Shortle, Fei Jiang, and Heather E. Gall (Penn State University); Tamie L. Veith (USDA-ARS)

“Immersive virtual reality and willingness to pay”
Kevin Meyer* (Saginaw Valley State University)

“Do wind farms help crop farms? The impacts of wind turbines on nearby cropland values”
T.J. Rakitan* (Grinnell College) and Wendong Zhang (Iowa State University)

“The impact of economic policies to increase bat conservation in Sulawesi, Indonesia”
Jennifer Rushlow*, Yasha Feferholtz, Hongying Lee, Alice Latinne, Carlos Zambrana-Torrelio, and Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance)

“Crop rotations in Mississippi Delta agriculture: Implications for nutrient runoff
Andrew W. Stevens* (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and William B. Bradley (Mississippi State University)

“Welfare effects of international trade in waste”
Prakrati Thakur* (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

“Does uncertainty over climate impacts alter near-term mitigation policy?”
Jonghyun Yoo* and Robert Mendelsohn (Yale University)

“Doomed by design: Structural Implications of the Renewable Fuel Standard for E85 demand”
Jia Zhong*, Madhu Khanna, and Deepayan Debnath (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)