Keynote talk: “How far can we push environmental markets?” Rich Woodward (Texas A&M)
First session: Experiments and payments for environmental services
“Context effects in a negatively framed experiment”
Kent Messer (U. Delaware), Jordan Suter* (Oberlin College), and Jubo Yan (U. Delaware)
“The additionality problem with offsets: Optimal contracts for carbon sequestration in forests”
Charles Mason* (U. Wyoming) and Andrew Plantinga (Oregon State U.)
“Estimating ‘payment’ in payments for ecosystem services: Results from a field auction”
Rohit Jindal* (Michigan State U.)
Second session: Misbehavior and the environment
“Effluent limits and monitoring: Do regulators inspect polluters facing tighter limits less frequently in response to noncompliance?”
Dietrich Earnhart* (U. Kansas)
“The use of violence in illegal markets: Evidence from mahogany trade in the Brazilian Amazon”
Ariaster Chimeli* (Ohio U.) and Rodrigo Soares (Pontifical Catholic U.)
“Lobbying expenditures and self-reported toxic pollutants”
Sumeet Gulati (U. British Columbia), Prachi Mishra (IMF), and Devesh Roy* (IFPRI)
“The effect of environmental enforcement on product choice and competition: Firm and product level evidence from India”
Molly Lipscomb* (U. Notre Dame)
Third session: Energy solutions
“Green acres? Transportation carbon policies and land use”
Stephen Holland (UNC – Greensboro), Jonathan Hughes* (U. of Colorado – Boulder) and Christopher Knittel and Nathan Parker (UC – Davis)
“Impacts of renewable energy policies: The roles of capacity constraints and market structure”
Min Wang* (Iowa State U.) and Jinhua Zhao (Michigan State U.)
“An hourly demand system approach to estimating the effects of residential real time pricing programs”
Bethany Vittetoe* and Bill Provencher (U. Wisconsin – Madison) and Mary Klos (Navigant Consulting)
“Integration of life cycle impact assessment and choice analysis for comprehensive motor vehicle fuel evaluation in the United States”
Matthew Winden*, Nathan Cruz, Tim Haab, and Bhavik Bakshi (Ohio State U.)
Fourth session: Climate change, property rights, and public goods (SHORT TALKS)
“Climate change adaptation – Irrigation and risk”
Steven Wallander* (USDA)
“Innovation under the Climate Wise program”
Keith Brouhle and Brad Graham* (Grinnell College) and Donna Ramirez Harrington (U. Vermont)
“Fleet rationalization under individual transferable quotas: How long is the long run?”
Keith Evans* and Quinn Weninger (Iowa State U.)
“The value of secure property rights: Evidence from global fisheries”
Corbett Grainger* (U. of Wisconsin – Madison) and Christopher Costello (UC – Santa Barbara)
“From Cournot to the commons: An analysis of regulatory property rights”
Lea Kosnik* (U. of Missouri – St. Louis)
“Optimal taxation of interdependent public goods: The provision of land for conservation”
Sahan Dissanayake* and Hector Nunez (U. of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign)
Panel discussion: “Markets for Ecosystem Service Values: Putting Theory into Practice”
- Randy Bruins (USEPA)
- Bobby Cochran (Willamette Partnership)
- Paul Ferraro (Georgia State U.)
Fifth session: Conservation
“Do our conservation programs work? Estimating avoided forest loss from the combined effect of protection and payment”
Jordi Honey-Roses and Kathy Baylis* (U. of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign) and Isabel Ramirez (UNAM-Morelia)
“Category count models: A general framework and applications in conservation management”
Paul Fackler* (North Carolina State U.)
“Input price risk and the adoption of conservation technology”
Karina Schoengold* (U. of Nebraska)
“Impact of risk and time preferences on responses to forest tenure land reform: Empirical evidence from Fujian China”
Karen Sullivan* and Emi Uchida (U. of Rhode Island) and Jintao Xu (Peking U.)
Sixth session: Valuation and coupled modeling
“A hedonic analysis of wind power facilities in Northern New York”
Martin Heintzelman and Carrie Tuttle* (Clarkson U.)
“Valuing walkability and vegetation in Portland, Oregon”
Niko Drake-McLaughlin and Noelwah Netusil* (Reed College)
“Managing people to manage resources: a consistent framework for integrating non-market demand and bioeconomic models”
Eli Fenichel* and Joshua Abbott (Arizona State U.)
“Threshold management in A coupled economic-ecological system”
Yong Chen* (Oregon State U.) and Ciriyam Jayaprakash and Elena Irwin(Ohio State U.)