2011 Agenda


(Presenters indicated with *)

Saturday October 22:

10:30-11:30        Registration and check in at IHotel (Illinois Ballroom)

11:30 – 1:00       Luncheon and keynote talk:

“Water’s Four Horsemen; Nutrients, Hypoxia, Climate Change and Us”
Otto Doering (Purdue U.)

1:20 – 3:00        First session: Environmental Issues in Fields and Yards

Land use consequences of crop insurance subsidies
Ruiqing Miao,* David Hennessy, and Hongli Feng (Iowa State)

The impact of ad-hoc disaster programs on the use of conservation practices
Karina Schoengold* (U. of Nebraska), Ya Ding (UESTC, China), and Russell Headlee (U. of Nebraska)

Farmers’ preferences for the design of carbon offset programs and willingness-to-change tillage practices
Benjamin Gramig* (Purdue U.)

Green with lawn envy: Spatial variation of water demand in Kelowna, British Columbia
Johannus Janmaat* (U. of British Columbia – Okanagan)

3:00 – 3:20        Break: coffee/tea and snacks

3:20 – 5:00        Second session: Corporations, Industries, and the Environment

OPEC: Market failure or power failure?
Robert Cairns* and Enrique Calfucura (McGill U.)

Hitting the violators where it hurts? Stock market reaction to USEPA press releases
Elisabeth Newcomb Sinha* (U. of MD), Lucija Muehlenbachs (RFF), and Nitish R. Sinha (UI – Chicago)

Corporate incentives and nuclear safety
Catie Hausman* (UC Berkeley)

Innovation under the Climate Wise program
Keith Brouhle* (Grinnell), Brad Graham (Grinnell), and Donna Ramirez Harrington (U. of Vermont)

6:00 – 10:00     Dinner  Reception: ACES Library, Heritage Room

Sunday October 23:

7:30 – 8:30        Continental Breakfast with Poster Displays, IHotel

8:30 – 10:10      Third session: Climate Change Economics and Policy

Economic impacts of climate variability and climate change: Evidence from a quasi-experiment with Great Lakes levels
Hsing-Hsiang Huang* and Michael Moore (U. of Michigan)

Crop choices in the United States: Land quality, climate, and cultivar characteristics
Soren Anderson*(Michigan State and NBER), Chenguang Wang, and Jinhua Zhao (Michigan State)

On climate jumps and fat tails
Charles Mason* (U. of Wyoming) and Neil Wilmot (U. of Minnesota – Duluth)

Did high gas prices cause the housing crisis that caused the Great Recession? Theory and empirical evidence
David Zilberman (UC Berkeley), JunJie Wu (Oregon State), and Steven Sexton* (UC Berkeley)

10:10 – 10:30     Break: coffee/tea and snacks

10:30 – 11:30     Fourth session: Short papers

Household fuel use and negative externalities in rural Bolivia
Debra Israel* (Indiana State – Terra Haute)

Evaluating the impact of protected areas on ecosystem services in Indonesia: In search of spatial complementaries
Daniela Miteva*, Brian Murray, and Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke U.)

State parks as public goods: Public funding or user fees?
Brian Vander Naald* and Trudy Ann Cameron (U. of Oregon)

Social networks and non-market valuations
Bruno Wichmann* (U. of Tennessee)

Would emissions taxes smooth state government revenues over the business cycle?
Michael Madowitz* (UC San Diego)

Information disclosure and strategic behaviors: Analysis from Mexican gas stations
Andrea Martens*, Barrett Kirwan*, and Xian Liu (U. of Illinois)

11:30 – 1:00       Luncheon and panel discussion
“Corporate Environmental Strategies in Developing and Transition Economies”
Dietrich Earnhart (U. of Kansas)
Madhu Khanna (U. of Illinois)
Thomas Lyon (U. of Michigan)

1:10 – 2:50        Fifth session: Development and Conservation

Does open space conservation increase neighboring development?
Kate Zipp* (U. of Wisconsin), David Lewis (U. of Puget Sound), and Bill Provencher (U. of Wisconsin)

Time is money: An empirical examination of the dynamic effects of uncertainty on residential subdivision development
Doug Wrenn* and Elena Irwin (Ohio State)

Decentralization and governance given environment-development tradeoffs
Alex Pfaff* (Duke U.), Juan Robalino (EfD Initiative/CATIE), and Diego Herrera (Duke U.)

Causal mechanisms of protected area impacts
Merlin Hanauer* (Sonoma State) and Paul Ferraro (Georgia State)

2:50 – 3:10        Break: coffee/tea and snacks

3:10 – 4:50        Sixth session: Advances in Nonmarket Valuation

Incorporating dynamic behavior into the hedonic model
Kelly Bishop* and Alvin Murphy (Washington U.)

Partial identification of hedonic demand functions
Congwen Zhang* (Virginia Tech.), Nicolai Kuminoff (Arizona State), and Kevin Boyle (Virginia Tech.)

Evaluating mitigation techniques for hypothetical bias in choice experiments
Craig Broadbent* (IL-Wesleyan U.)

4:50 – 5:00        Wrap up and farewell

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