For pdf version, click HeartlandAgenda2013
Saturday November 2:
11:00-11:30 Registration and check in at IHotel (Lincoln Room and Alma Mater Room)
11:30 – 1:00 Opening remarks (Evan DeLucia, Director, Center for a Sustainable Environment)
Luncheon, and keynote talk: “Microfoundations of Global Climate Change Policies: Lab and Field Evidence” Timo Goeschl (University of Heidelberg)
1:20 – 3:00 First session: Agriculture, Climate, and the Environment
“From Farmer Management Decisions to Watershed Environmental Quality: A Spatial Economic Model of Crop and Tillage Choices”
Wendong Zhang* and Elena Irwin (Ohio State)
“Agglomeration in Agriculture: A Quasi-Experiment in the Corn Belt”
Michael McWilliams* and Michael Moore (U. of Michigan)
“The Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Agriculture – Benefits from Crop Adaptation”
Chenguang Wang,* Soren Anderson, and Jinhua Zhao (Michigan State)
“Evaluating Ecosystem Services for Reducing Groundwater Nitrate Contamination: Nitrate Attenuation in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones”
Jingjing Wang* (U. of New Mexico)
3:00 – 3:20 Break: coffee/tea
3:20 – 5:00 Second session: Conservation on Land and in Sea
“Optimal Contracts for Discouraging Deforestation with Risk Averse Agents”
Charles Mason* (U. of Wyoming)
“Property Rights, Regulatory Capture, and Exploitation of Natural Resources”
Christopher Costello (UC – Santa Barbara) and Corbett Grainger* (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)
“Dynamic Land Use under Uncertainty and Constrained Choice”
Jordan Suter* (Colorado State), Sahan Dissanayake (Colby College), & Lynne Lewis (Bates College)
“Catch Share Program Adoption in Alaska Fisheries”
Rebecca Toseland* (UC – Santa Barbara)
Sunday November 3:
8:00 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast with Poster Displays, IHotel
8:30 – 10:10 Third session: Energy and Environment
“Energy Load Control, Groundwater Conservation, and Climate Change”
Taro Mieno* and Nicholas Brozović (U. of Illinois)
“New Vehicle Feebates: Theory and Evidence”
Nicholas Rivers and Brandon Schaufele* (U. of Ottowa)
“Renewable Portfolio Standards: Policies for Pollution or Pride?”
Dan Werner* (U. of Maryland)
“Forecasting Supply and Demand Balance in California’ Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Market”
Severin Borenstein (UC-Berkeley), James Bushnell* (UC-Davis), Frank Wolak (Stanford U.), and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins (UC-Berkeley)
10:10 – 10:30 Break: coffee/tea
10:30 – 11:30 Fourth session: Short papers
“Farmers’ Switchgrass Adoption over Time under Screening Contracts in Michigan: A Combined Conceptual and Agent-Based Modeling Approach”
Haoyang Li* and Brent Ross (Michigan State)
“Renewable Energy Policies for the Electricity, Transportation, and Agricultural Sectors: Complements or Substitutes”
Anthony Oliver* and Madhu Khanna (U. of Illinois)
“Regional Renewable Electricity Generation and State Renewable Portfolio Standards”
Erik P. Johnson* (Georgia Tech)
“Reducing the Cost of Ex Post Bailouts with Ex Ante Regulation: Evidence from Building Codes”
Tatyana Deryugina* (U. of Illinois)
“Learning in a Hedonic Framework: Valuing Brownfield Remediation”
Lala Ma* (Duke U.)
“Costal Morpho-Dynamics and Real Estate Markets: Is There Evidence of Residential Sorting across Communities along the Coast?”
Yun Qiu* and Sathya Gopalakrishnan (Ohio State)
11:30 – 1:00 Luncheon, panel discussion: “Emerging Challenges and Solutions for Water Quality and Supply”
Catherine Kling (Iowa State), Sheila Olmstead (UT-Austin), Jeffrey Peterson (Kansas State)
1:10 – 2:50 Fifth session: The economics of natural disasters
“Hurricanes, Risk Communication, and Avoidance Behavior”
Jay Shimshack* (Tulane U.), Timothy Beatty (U. of Minnesota), and Richard Volpe (USDA ERS)
“Climate and International Migration: The Importance of the Agricultural Linkage”
Ruohong Cai* (Princeton U.), Shuaizhang Feng (Shanghai U.), Mariola Pytlikova (Danish Inst. Of Govt. Research), and Michael Oppenheimer (Princeton U.)
“Hurricane Disaster and Local Labor Markets: Evidence from County Level Quarterly Employment Analysis”
Meri Davlasheridze* (Texas A&M), Karen Fisher-Vanden (Penn. State), and Allen H. Klaiber (Ohio State)
“Managing the Endogenous Risk of Disease Outbreaks with a Non-Constant Background Hazard Rate”
Kevin Berry* (U. of Wyoming), David Finnoff (U. of Wyoming), Richard Horan (Michigan State), and Jason F. Shogren (U. of Wyoming)
2:50 – 3:10 Break: coffee/tea
3:10 – 4:50 Sixth session: Central Topics in Environmental Economics
“Certainty of Punishment vs Severity of Punishment: Deterrence and Wastewater Discharges”
Dietrich Earnhart* (U. Kansas), Lana Friesen (U. Queensland)
“Green Innovation and Green Imports: Links between Environmental Policy, Innovation, and Trade”
Claire Brunel* (Georgetown U.)
“Tax Havens and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: A Study of US Multinational Location Decisions and the Clean Air Act Amendments”
Justin Roush* (U. Tennessee)
“Additionality, Reverse Crowding Out, and Pollution Offsets”
Richard T. Woodward (Texas A&M),* Mariano Mezzatesta (FERC), and David A. Newburn (U. Maryland)
4:50 – 5:00 Wrap up and farewell
Posters on Display
“Analysis of Increasing Drought Frequency in the Edwards Aquifer: Impacts and Adaptation”
Jinxiu Ding and Bruce A. McCarl (Texas A&M)
“Shade Credit Programs and Optimal Riparian Restoration for Stream Temperature Management”
Sahan T. M. Dissanayake (Colby College)
“The Effects of National Flood Insurance Program on Residential Location Choices in California”
Qin Fan (CSU – Fresno) and Meri Davlasheridze (Texas A&M)
“Behavioural Modelling of Irrigation Decision Making under Water Scarcity”
Tim Foster (Imperial College London), Nicholas Brozović (U. of Illinois), and A.P.Butler (Imperial College London)
“Factors Affecting Individuals’ Decision to Participate in Conservation Easement”
Ramesh Ghimire (Georgia), Gary Green, Neelam Poudyal, and Ken Cordell
“Efficiency of Viable Groundwater Policies”
Todd Guilfoos (Rhode Island)
“Public Policy, Environmental Impact and the International Second-hand Clothes Market: Market-Distortions or Welfare Improvements from in-kind Donations?”
Debra Israel (Indiana State University)
“Procurement Auctions for Cost-Effective Agricultural Phosphorus Reduction in the Lake Erie Basin”
Leah M. Harris and Scott Swinton (Michigan State University)
“Controlling Risks of Cyanobacteria Blooms”
Nathaniel H. Merrill and James J. Opaluch (U. of Rhode Island)
“Spring Forward At Your Own Risk: Daylight Saving Time and Fatal Vehicle Crashes”
Austin Smith (UC – Boulder)
“The Co-effect Analysis of Agricultural Mitigation Policies on Water Quality and Quantity in the Missouri River Basin”
Chin-Hsien Yu and Bruce A. McCarl (Texas A&M)
“Dust Effects on Feedlot Cattle Production and Benefit Estimation of Dust Control under Climate Change”
Chin-Hsien Yu, Bruce A. McCarl, Seong C. Park, and Stephen H. Amosson (Texas A&M)
Sponsors for 2013: The Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, the Center for a Sustainable Environment, the European Union Center, and the College of ACES Office of Research at the University of Illinois.