
Heartland Workshop: October 26-27, 2024

Registration link. The workshop has reached its capacity. To be put on a waiting list, please contact us using the workshop email. 

The Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop will be held for the fourteenth year from Saturday, October 26 to Sunday, October 27, 2024, at the Illini Union on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. Topics for contributed paper sessions will be chosen based on the submissions we receive and will not be limited to the theme of the keynote and panel.

Keynote address:

Frances C. Moore, UC Davis

“Issues and Questions in Current Federal Climate and Energy Policy”

Panel on Environmental Justice:

Neha Khanna, Binghamton University

Christopher Timmins, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ann Wolverton, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The day-and-a-half long workshop (mid-morning Saturday through mid-afternoon Sunday) will feature:

  • A luncheon on Saturday with a keynote talk.
  • A luncheon on Sunday with a panel discussion.
  • Multiple sessions of contributed 20-minute paper presentations.
  • Two sets of 8-minute short research presentations.
  • Research posters displayed during breaks and a reception.
  • Numerous breaks to share ideas and develop new collaborations.

The goals of HERE@Illinois are, as always, to stimulate research and build community in environmental economics with partial focus on the Midwest. The workshop will bring people together to exchange ideas and foster new collaborations. Through selected paper sessions, it will identify pressing public policy issues and emerging research themes on environmental and resource economics. Finally, it will provide networking and development opportunities for graduate students and early career scholars in environmental and resource economics.

Registration numbers are limited to 80 to keep the size of the event conducive to an active exchange of ideas. Spread the word and tell your colleagues and graduate students! We hope to see you in Urbana-Champaign in October.

2024 Organizing Committee: Professors Shadi Atallah, Sandy Dall’Erba,  Tatyana Deryugina, Andy Hultgren, Jared Hutchins, Madhu Khanna, Bill Ridley, Becca Taylor, and Yilan Xu from the University of Illinois.

2024 sponsors: Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE); College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES); Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE); Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (QREF).

Email: Heartland@illinois.edu

Agenda 2024:

Saturday, October 26:

8:00 – 8:20 Registration and check-in at Illini Union 200 Ballroom

8:20 – 8:30 Welcome

8:30 – 10:10 First Session: Environment and Health

“Neglected Hazard: Mental Health and Traffic Noise”
Kaiyi Wen (Binghamton University)

“Mortality Caused by Tropical Cyclones in the United States”
Rachel Young (University of California Berkeley)

“Marine Microplastics and Infant Health”
Shan (Evie) Zhang (Old Dominion University)

“Unintended Environmental and Health Consequences of Distortionary Agricultural Subsidies”
Gowthami Venkateswaran (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)

10:10 – 10:30 Break

10:30 – 11:30 Second Session: Short talks on:

“Heterogeneity in State Solar and Wind Deployment: Trade-offs between Technology-neutral and Technology-specific Renewable Energy Policies”
Hongli Feng (Iowa State University)

“Shifting Household Power Demand across Time: Incentives and Automation”
Shefali Khanna (London School of Economics)

“The Efficiency of Dynamic Electricity Pricing Schemes”
Andrew Hinchberger (Northwestern University)

“Stranded Gassets: Utility Regulation and Investment in Fossil Fuel Infrastructure”
Leila Safavi (New York University)

“Market Power and Carbon Emissions in the Amazon”
Marcos Barrozo (DePaul University)

“Tribal Forest Rights and Firm Behavior”
Raahil Madhok (University of Minnesota)

11:30 – 1:00 Luncheon and Keynote Talk: Frances C. Moore (UC Davis)
“Issues and Questions in Current Federal Climate and Energy Policy”

1:00 – 1:20 Break

1:20 – 3:00 Third Session: Climate

“Who Bears Climate Change Damages? Evidence from the Gig Economy”
Anna Papp (Columbia University)

“Running in the Heat: Temperature, Behavior, and Adaptation”
Bobby Harris (Georgia Tech)

“Propagation of extreme heat in agriculture across sectors and space”
Guglielmo Zappala (UC Berkeley)

“Costs and Benefits of Adaptive Groundwater Irrigation in U.S. Corn and Soybeans” Jeffrey Hadachek (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

3:00 – 3:20 Break

3:20 – 5:00 Fourth Session: Agriculture and The Environment

“Selection and the Additionality of Incentives for Environmental Conservation”
Carson Reeling (Purdue University)

“Using weather-based crop yield forecasts to estimate commodity demand”
Michael Roberts (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

“Price Incentives for Conservation: Experimental Evidence from Groundwater Irrigation”
Nick Hagerty (Montana State University)

“Large Livestock Facilities and Farmland Values: Evidence from Competitive Bidding by CAFOs”
Chen-Ti Chen (The Ohio State University)

5:00 – 7:00 Reception with Posters (finger food and bar) (Posters listed below)

Dinner on your own or dinner scramble.

Sunday October 27

8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast

8:30 – 10:10 Fifth Session: Environmental Justice

“The Distributional Impacts of Climate Changes across US Local Labor Markets”
Emmett Reynier (University of Oregon)

“Heat disproportionally kills young people: evidence from wet-bulb temperature exposure in Mexico”
Andrew Wilson (Stanford University)

“Do Minorities Pay More to Avoid Flood Risk?”
Sebastien Box-Couillard (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

“Who Receives Environmental Benefits from Driving Electric Vehicles?”
Yucheng Wang (University of Sydney)

10:10 – 10:30 Break

10:30 – 11:30 Sixth Session: Short talks on

“Water Quality and the Conservation Reserve Program: Empirical Evidence from the Mississippi River Basin”
Nicole Karwowski (Montana State University)

“Policy instruments to promote the adoption of sustainable nitrogen management practices”
Menglin Liu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

“Evaluating Optimal Farm Management of Phosphorus Fertilizer Inputs with Partial Observability of Legacy Soil Stocks” Chanheung Cho (North Carolina State University)

“The power of reading: How classroom instruction and out of class environment combine to affect short-run learning and later-life income.”
Nikos Zirogiannis (Indiana University Bloomington)

“Beyond Asset Losses: Estimating the Economic Cost of Floods”
Seunghoon Lee (University of Missouri)

“Examining the Effectiveness of Nonprofit Groups Expenditures on Species Recovery: The Case of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead”
Zichu Zhao (Le Moyne College)

11:30 – 1:00 Luncheon and Panel Discussion: “Environmental Justice”

  • Neha Khanna, Binghamton University
  • Christopher Timmins, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Ann Wolverton, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

1:20 – 3:00 Seventh Session: Transportation

“Real Time Information & Public Transit Ridership”
Rhiannon Jerch (The University of Wisconsin-Madison)

“Unintended consequences of time-of-use rates: Electric vehicle charging and distribution network constraints”
Megan Bailey (University of Calgary)

“Comparing two approaches to parameterize willingness-to-pay for housing to support policy analysis in agent-based models of real estate markets of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario and Corsica, France.” Dawn Parker (University of Waterloo, Ontario)

“Incentivizing Capital Investments in Electric Vehicle Attributes to Stimulate Demand.”
Minsu Kim (Pennsylvania State University)

3:00 – 4:00 Break and Snacks for the Road


 Selected Posters on Display at Heartland 2024

“Agriculture and Solar Farms: Exploring Preferences for Utility-scale Solar Energy in Local Communities.” Jian Chen (Iowa State University)

“Waves of Change: Understanding the Impact of Natural Hazards on Housing Market Dynamics and Coastal Evolution” Kunxin Zhu (The Ohio State University)

“The Optimal Decision to Invest in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS): An Investment under Uncertainty Framework.” Alivia Cochran (University of Wyoming)

“Dynamic Decision Making of Agrivoltaics in California’s Central Valley.” Shiyue Yao (North Carolina State University)

“The (Mis)Allocation Channel of Climate Change: Evidence from Global Firm-level Microdata. Tianzi Liu (Cornell University)

“Interplay of Crop Diversity and Agricultural Area in Agroecosystem Services: Analytical and Empirical Study on Local Water Quality” Yunsun Park (Mississippi State University)

“Adoption and Disadoption of Conservation Practices – Complementarity Between Traditional Econometric Methods and Machine Learning” Zhushan Du (Iowa State University)

“Are Farmers Adapting to Drier Conditions? Crop Choices and Irrigation Adoption in the Danube River Basin” Noormah Rizwan (Michigan State University)

“Opportunity Cost of Precision Conservation” Seowoo Lee (Michigan State University)

“Cleaner Bills, Cleaner Air: The Environmental Co-benefits of Stringent Renewable Portfolio Standards Policy Design” Qingran Li (Clarkson University)

“The Distributional Impact of Fuel Subsidy Reform in Bolivia” Debra Israel (Indiana State University)

“The Legacy of Historical Redlining: A National Study on Drinking Water Violations” Yetian Cai (University of Florida)

“Does Toxic Industrial Pollution Moderate the Effect of Early Childhood Interventions on Cognition?” Sanjukta Mitra (Iowa State University)

“Impact of Extreme Weather Events on the U.S. Domestic Supply Chain of Food Manufacturing” Hyungsun Yim (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

“Strategic Coffee Geographical Indications: Mitigating Deforestation and Malnutrition in East Timor” Francesco Cenerini (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)