The 2016 Heartland Environment and Resource Economics Workshop will be held in the Illini Memorial Union Nov 11-13, 2016. Sessions will be held in Illini Union Rooms A and B.
(Presenters indicated with *; Posters listed on final page)
Saturday November 12:
9:00 – 9:45 Registration and check in at Illini Union
9:45 – 11:25 First session: Development
“The power of micro-grids: Estimating the benefits of electrification by both large-scale and micro-grids”
Robyn Meeks* and Hope Thompson (U. Michigan)
“Deforestation and hydrological services: The impact of seasonal water availability on farm production in the Brazilian Amazon”
Jill Caviglia-Harris* (Salisbury U.), Trent Biggs (San Diego State U.), Daniel Harris (Salisbury U.), Katrina Mullan (U. Montana), Erin Sills (N. Carolina State U.)
“Agricultural productivity and deforestation: Evidence from input subsidies and ethnic favoritism in Malawi”
Conor Carney* (UC Santa Barbara) and Ryan Abman (San Diego State U.)
“Paid to save the forests: Evidence from Brazil’s Bolsa Verde program”
Po Yin Wong* (Norwegian School of Econ), Torfinn Harding (Norwegian School of Econ.), Samantha DeMartino (U. of Sussex), Karly Kuralbayeva (London School of Econ.), and Andre Lima (U. Maryland)
11:30 – 1:00 Luncheon and keynote talk:
Maureen Cropper (University of Maryland and Resources for the Future)
“Can Economics Reduce Global Pollution Deaths?”
1:20 – 3:00 Second session: Electricity
“Measuring the costs of wind intermittency: Evidence from Spain and Texas”
Emma Dong* and Joseph Cullen (Washington U.); Mar Reguant and Lola Segura (Northwestern U.)
“Strategic bidding under transmission congestion: Evidence from the Texas electricity market”
Matt Woerman* (UC Berkeley)
“Conservation spillovers and behavioral interventions: Experimental evidence from water and energy use”
Gabriel Lade* (Iowa State U.); Katrina Jessoe, Frank Loge, and Edward Spang (UC Davis)
“The causal effect of electricity prices on German manufacturing”
Phillipp Massier*, Kathrine von Graevenitz, and Benjamin Lutz (Center for European Economic Research)
3:00 – 3:20 Break: coffee/tea and snack
3:20 – 5:00 Third session: Enforcement and Impact of Environmental Regulation
“Enforcement of environmental regulation: Theory and evidence on the Clean Water Act”
Joseph Cullen* (Washington U.), Karam Kang (Washington U.), and Bernardo S. Silveira (Carnegie Mellon U.)
“Giving plastic bags the sack: The Non-Monetary Costs of Changing Consumption”
Rebecca Taylor* (UC Berkeley)
“The effects of information provision on avoidance behavior: Evidence from the Flint, Michigan drinking water crisis”
Peter Christensen (U. Illinois), David Keiser* (Iowa State U.), and Gabriel Lade (Iowa State U.)
“The local environmental consequences of coal procurement at U.S. power plants”
Akshaya Jha* (Carnegie Mellon U.) and Nick Muller (Middlebury College)
5:00 – 6:30 Reception with cash bar open to all
7:00 – 9:00 Dinner for speakers and other attendees who sign up for it (KO Fusion in downtown Champaign)
Sunday November 13:
7:30 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast with Poster Displays Attended
8:30 – 10:10 Fourth session: Climate and Cars
“Gasoline price uncertainty and the design of fuel economy standards”
Ryan Kellogg* (U. Chicago)
“From gallons to miles: A disaggregate analysis of automobile travel and externality taxes”
Ashley Langer* (U. Arizona), Vikram Maheshri (U. Houston), Clifford Winston (Brookings)
“Weather fluctuations and human capital formation: Evidence from Peru”
Manuel Barron* (U. del Pacifico), Samuel Heft-Neal (Stanford U.), and Tania Perez (U. del Pacifico)
“Adaptation and the mortality effects of temperature across US climate regions”
Garth Heutel (Georgia State U.); Nolan Miller, and David Molitor* (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
10:10 – 10:30 Break: coffee/tea and snack
10:30 – 11:50 Fifth session: Short Talks
“The Ricardian model of climate change impact meets the Ricardian model of interregional trade: theory and evidence”
Zhangliang Chen*, Sandy Dall’erba (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); Fang Fang (U. Arizona)
“Temperature, wages, and agricultural labor productivity”
Andrew Stevens (UC Berkeley)
“Price efficiency in US water rights markets”
Renata Rimsaite* (Penn. State U.), Karen A. Fisher-Vanden (Penn State U.), and Sheila M. Olmstead (UT Austin)
“Institutions and strategic groundwater pumping”
Juan Sesmero*, Shanxia Sun (Purdue U.); and Karina Schoengold (U. Nebraska)
“Irrigation effects on the high plains aquifer: A county-level econometric equation of motion for groundwater”
Felipe Silva*, Lilyan Fulginiti, Richard Perrin, and Karina Schoengold (U. Nebraska)
“Effect of a polluting facility’s location – relative to borders – on municipal investments into wastewater management.”
Manuel Pulido and Dietrich Earnhart (U. Kansas)
“To frack or not to frack: Option value analysis on the US natural gas market”
Rebecca Davis and Charles Sims (U. Tennessee)
“To trade or not to trade: Oil leases, information asymmetry, and Coase”
Paul Brehm (U. Michigan) and Eric Lewis (DOJ)
12:00 – 1:30 Luncheon and panel discussion:
Ed Barbier (U. Wyoming), Kelsey Jack (Tufts U.), and Paulina Oliva (UC Irvine)
“Advances and Frontiers at the Intersection of Environmental and Development Economics”
1:30 – 2:00 Break: coffee/tea
2:00 – 3:40 Sixth session: Land Use and Locational Pollution
“Agricultural land use and crop insurance: Adaptation, moral hazard, and selection on moral hazard”
Hsing-Hsiang Huang (USEPA) and Michael Moore* (U. Michigan)
“Does biodiversity pay? Marginal value and optimal composition of species on a working landscape”
Seth Binder* (St. Olaf College); Forest Isbell, Steve Polasky, and David Tilman (U. Minnesota); Jane Catford (U. Southampton)
“The hidden cost of industrial pollution: Environmental amenities and the location of service jobs”
Yatang Lin* (London School of Economics)
“Conservation easement acquisitions amidst localized spillover effects in grassland conversions: Analysis using remotely-sensed data”
Gaurav Arora* (Iowa State U.), David A. Hennessy (Michigan State U.), Hongli Feng (Michigan State U.), Peter T. Wolter (Iowa State U.)
Selected Posters on Display at Heartland 2016
“Escalation of Scrutiny: The Clean Air Act and U.S. Manufacturing”
Wesley Blundell (U. Arizona)
“Innovation, Learning and Spillovers in the Shale Revolution”
Michele Davies (U. Chicago)
“Valuing Irrigation Systems: A Choice Experiment on Cascade Tank Restoration in Sri Lanka”
Sahan Dissanayake, Shamen Vidanage (Colby College)
“Least-cost Travel Cost Estimation Using a Multi-site User Intercept Survey of Southern Lake Michigan Anglers”
Ben Gramig, Xioayang He, Mitchell Zischke (Purdue University); Benjamin Dickinson (Indiana DNR); Charles Roswell (U Illinois)
“Generation Compliance: EPAs New Policy on Facilitating Compliance with Environmental Protection Laws”
Samantha Harms, Dietrich Earnhart (U. Kansas); Robert Glicksman (George Washington U); David Markell (Florida State U)
“The Impact of Shale Gas Development on Housing Values: A Hedonic Pricing Analysis in Weld County, Colorado”
Xuanhao He, Na Lu, Robert P. Berrens (U. New Mexico)
“The Value of Local Regulation, for Locals: Evidence from the Fracking Boom”
Alexey Kalinin, Dominic Parker, Daniel Phaneuf, and Corbett Grainger (U. Wisconsin-Madison)
“Do Regulated Entities Update their Enforcement Perceptions During Regulatory Leadership Transitions”
Will Katz, Dietrich Earnhart (U. Kansas) and Sarah Jacobson (Williams College)
“Effects of Ownership Structure in a Transition Context on Environmental Behavior and Performance” Liu Yuelin, Dietrich Earnhart (U. Kansas), Randall Bluffstone (Portland State University)
“Incorporating Respondent Experience into Choice Experiment Studies: A Study of Preferences for a New National Park in Maine”
Ryunosuke Matsuura, Sahan Dissayanake (Colby College), Andrew Meyer (Marquette University)
“Policy Instruments, Strategic Interactions, and Incentives for Habitat Conservation for Imperiled Species”
Leah Palm-Foster (U. Delaware), Carson J. Reeling (Western Michigan University), R. Max Melstom (Oklahoma State University)
Big Bucks: Measuring the Economic Losses Caused by Overabundant Deer”
Jennifer Raynor (U Wisconsin)
“Implications of Instantaneous Groundwater Availability on Irrigated Agriculture”
Mani Rouhi Rad (U. Illinois), Nicholas Brozovic (U. Nebraska)
“Impacts of Scenario Visualization in Choice Experiments and Citizen Preferences on Landscape Attributes of Green Infrastructure”
Yau-Huo Shr (Penn. State. U), Richard C. Ready (Montana State University)
“Spatial Spillovers and Temporal Dynamics: Heterogeneous Impacts of Agricultural Cropland Allocation and Crop Rotation on Water Quality”
Shanxia Sun, Juan Sesmero, Michael Delgado (Purdue U)
“Do Regulations on Fishery Resource Management Affect Spatial Competition Among Processors and Price?”
Nadeeka Weerasekara, Simanti Banerjee (U. Nebraska), Zinnia Mukherjee (Simmons College)
“Effects of Local Community Pressure on Corporate Environmental Management”
Asmaa Yaseen, Dietrich Earnhart (U. Kansas)
“Market Organization and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from the Texas Electricity Market”
Yiyuan Zhang (U. Michigan)
Thanks to the 2016 Heartland Sponsors!!
Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, UIUC
College of ACES Office of Research, UIUC
Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment, UIUC
Institute for Government and Public Affairs, UIUC
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Center for Global Studies, UIUC
Gutsgell Endowed Professor Fund, UIUC