U3 Flash Drives on Public PCs (from the Library IT Helpdesk’s site:)
For security reasons the Library’s public computers are set up to run only the software installed on them by Library IT personnel. This is causing a problem for some users who come to the Library with flash drives that utilize U3 encryption software. The specific U3 software required for these flash drives varies from brand to brand. There are many variations of U3 software and this makes it extremely difficult for Library IT to have all the possible variations pre-installed on the public PCs. Thus, some users are not able to use their flash drives on our public machines.
We recognize that Library users must be able to save their data to take with them when they leave the Library. Library IT is investigating options for dealing with the U3 situation. For the time being, these are some alternatives that one can use at our public terminals:
Email the file to themselves as an attachment via CITES Express Mail
Upload the file to their Netfiles
Save the file to a CD – public workstations have CD burners and Nero Express.
Remove the U3 system from jump drives by following the instruction on U3 FAQ page.
In the meanwhile, if your users report problems with their U3 flash drives, you may refer them to this page on the Funk ACES Library web site for advice.
For more information, please visit the U3 website.