Illinois dissertations and theses in IDEALS

Did you know that you can find dissertations and theses created here at the U of I by using IDEALS? Students can now deposit electronic copies of their dissertations and theses, which means you can find full-text versions here.

You can search or browse for publications. If you know you want a dissertation from the School of Music, for example, click on “Communities” on the left, select “College of Fine and Applied Arts”, then “School of Music,” and then “Dissertations and Theses-Music”.


You can also enter the Dissertation and Theses community and then search or browse.


If you are a graduate student depositing your thesis or dissertation, please do this through the Graduate College at If you deposit electronically, once your degree is conferred, your dissertation or thesis will appear in this collection.

If you have authored a dissertation or thesis in the past at the University of Illinois and would like to see it appear here, please contact for more information.