Make a Request

The Marcom team is ready to work with you on your marketing/communications needs!

To ensure the most efficient management of the many types of requests we receive, we have a few specific intake methods. Please review your options below, and make your request accordingly.

Note that detailed requests, made with as much advance notice as possible, almost always lead to a smoother process and higher-quality deliverables!

**We recommend bookmarking this page for easy reference.**

  • If you need to make a change on the current AHS website, want to learn more about how to create a research/lab site on Publish, or have a graphic design/communications/marketing project request, please place your ticket request here.*
  • If you have a story idea you want to pitch for the website, social media, newsletter, Dean’s List, or elsewhere, please submit it here
  • Need to consult with us about something that does NOT fit the above criteria? Email us here with the details.

*Please note that Marcom responds to tickets in the order in which they’re received. If it’s urgent, please mention that in your request, and please propose a deadline for completion.

**Even if you think Marcom knows about your project because it happens every year or semester, please make a formal request!

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